7. Sugar We're Goin' Down

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(Patrick's P.O.V)

Pete paced nervously along the hallway outside of Vic's room. We weren't allowed to see Vic yet because the doctors were giving his parents and Mike some time to talk to Vic about what had happened and if they wanted to press charges. I honestly did not see the point in making Jamie, Tony, Joe, Andy, Pete and myself wait outside when we already knew what had happened to him. Jake had gotten to him and I knew that Jake wouldn't have faced Vic alone. He would have brought the whole football team along with him because he was pathetic and would never target Vic by himself. The thought made me so angry that all I wanted to do was hurt Jake the way he had hurt Vic. I found it so unfair that Vic was in the hospital with a broken nose and a couple of broken ribs while Jake was prancing around somewhere with his preppy friends and slutty cows following him like list puppies.

The door to Vic's room opened and the doctor stepped outside with Vic's parents. They walked straight past us and I could see that Pete wanted to scream at them, to demand if we could go in. Pete took a step towards them when an older looking lady stepped out of the room with a nurses outfit on.

"You can see your friend now," the nurse said in a gentle tone.

Jamie, Tony, Andy, Joe and myself jumped to our feet and rushed towards the room with Pete leading us. We all tried to get into the room at the same time but we all couldn't fit. The nurse chuckled at us as we sorted ourselves out and finally got into the room. Mike sat on the edge next to Vic. Vic had either stayed in his own clothes or changed back into them because he has a pair of black skinny jeans on and a white shirt, last time I checked these weren't the clothing that the hospitals gave out to you. We stepped closer to Vic to see that he had black bags under his eyes and a busted lip as well. Vic glanced up at our approach and tried to smile.

"I wish they had kept the morphine in," Vic said in an attempt to lighten the mood. Everyone was too worried to roll their eyes or even smile. Vic could sense this and he sighed. "Look, I'm sorry about this-"

"You're sorry!" Pete exploded.

Vic flinched at Pete's tone and Mike narrowed his eyes at him. I reached out and took one of Pete's hands in mine and I have it a light squeeze. Pete's shoulders dropped and he mumbled a quick sorry.

"There's no need to apologize to anyone Vic," I said as soft as I possibly could. "You weren't the one to do this!"

"I just can't help but apologize! I feel as if this is all my fault," Vic replied.

Mike reached out and patted his brother's shoulder. "It's not your fault."

"Why did Jake attack you?" Andy asked.

"He said that he has ears everywhere and he knows about the plan to play at the prep rally," Vic explained.

"Why did he hurt you when he knew that everyone in this room was involved?" Pete asked.

Vic shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know."

"Well it looks like we need to rethink our plan," Pete said. "Vic, when do you get out of here?"

"Now. My parents have gone to sort out the discharge papers," Vic replied.

"Good, can everyone round everyone else up and meet me at my place tonight? We need to talk about a new plan," Pete said.

Everyone nodded and Pete smiled. My heart gave a light squeeze and I silently cursed myself for the motion. I knew I couldn't help but feel something for him but I was so afraid that Pete would hate me if he found out how I felt about him.

"Great!" Pete exclaimed. "C'mon Patrick."

I followed Pete out of the hospital room and through the maze of corridors. We remained silent until we got to Pete's house. I hated the silence but I gave Pete time to think things through because I could see the look of concentration on his face.

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