19. The Last Step: 'Jake Has What?'

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(Patrick's P.O.V)

"The last step may need a bit of our interference," Austin stated in an even tone.

My stomach twisted with dread as I glanced everywhere but Austin's brown eyes. I thought everything would run smoothly without any more interference on our behalf, that's the impression I got from Pete's explanation.

It was early on a Thursday morning, not even a week since we put out plan into motion. Austin was clearly prepared to put the final step into motion but I wasn't sure if the rest of us were. I glanced over at the newest edition of our group - Ashley - to see that she was staring down at her beat up sneakers. She hated Jake as much as the rest of us but I could see that she thought this whole plan was wrong; she hated stooping to his level. To be honest I felt the same way.

"What do we have to do?" Hayley asked while crossing her arms.

She stared Austin down and I could see she was very suspicious of what he had planned next. Austin hadn't really gone into depth about the final step to Destroy Jake. Pete must have noticed my unease because he reached out and took my hand in his, giving it a light squeeze.

"It's simple really," Austin promised.

"If it's so simple why is it taking you so long to spit out?" Jenna demanded. "Just tell us already."

Austin rolled his eyes at Jenna's impatience but he proceeded to explain the final step in our plan.

"Jake's always spreading rumours about people so I think it's time we repay him the favour," Austin explained. "This is possibly the best way to ruin his reputation."

"And what do you propose we tell people?" Pete asked curiously.

"We tell people he has an STD and let it build from there," Austin stated in an even tone.

"What?" The whole group exploded including Austin's friends, they clearly had no idea that this was what Austin had planned.

"Are we really going to stoop to his level?" Zack demanded. "Pete and I left his group for a reason."

"We aren't that horrible are we?" Ashley asked in her timid way.

"No way!" Kellin shouted. "I'm not stooping to Jake's level."

"That's just fucked," Vic added.

"Austin, are you sure that this is the right thing?" Alan asked.

Austin sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Judging from your reactions I don't think it is but what else can we do to assure Jake's downfall."

I fidgeted nervously beside Pete. I hated the idea but I couldn't help but agree with Austin, this was the only way we could assure Jake's downfall. I glanced up to see that Pete was keeping his expression neutral. Knowing him he was processing the pros and cons of the idea. Everyone else seemed quite focused on yelling at Austin and demanding why this course of action had been taken. We all hated Jake but none of us wanted to stoop to his level, I could see in Austin's eyes that he didn't even want to stoop that low.

"I think we should do it," I said, loud enough to be heard over the shouting. "What other choice do we have? It's probably not going to be long before Jake says something like that about us and whoever that person is will be more of an outcast than anyone of us. Plus Jake put Vic in the hospital, are we going to stand by and let him do that to anyone else?"

Austin shot me a grateful look and I nodded in acknowledgement. I hated the idea as much as everyone else and they could all see it in my eyes but I just wanted this to be over, like they all did. The shouting stopped as everyone made silent exchanges with their eyes but I knew this was already settled. Everyone here classed me as the innocent one in the group even after I punched Jake and got suspended I was still the innocent one. Besides Jake was a constant threat to mine and Pete's relationship so this had to be done.

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