14. Favourite Record

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(Patrick's P.O.V)

I was suspended for two weeks. Worth it. My parents had grounded me in much the same way Pete's had when he had gotten suspended. Not Worth it. Being grounded meant that I was on complete lockdown and the only time I was allowed out of my room was to eat breakfast and shower. It sounded like every other teenagers personal heaven but it ate at me because I just wanted to see Pete. Still I didn't care about the suspension because Jake had to be taught a lesson.

My parents had gone back to work after they had collected me from school and now I was sitting at my desk staring vacantly out of my window. I had nothing to do since my parents took my laptop away from me and I wasn't in the mood to write a song. I drummed my fingers against my computer desk and continued to stare out the window. I jumped to my feet when a familiar car pulled up in the driveway.

Before I knew it I was sprinting down the stairs as fast as I could. I had the door open before Pete could even ring the doorbell. I launched myself into my arms and buried my face against his neck. Pete laughed at my sudden display of affection and my display of excellent speed. He wrapped his arms around me and rested the top of his head on mine. We remained locked in our embrace for several minutes before I realized that we were tsanding outside. I pulled myself free and dragged Pete inside of my house then closed the door behind us.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "You're supposed to be in class."

Pete laughed. "I pretended I was sick and told them I needed to go home," he explained then he glanced around the front hallway were were standing in. "This could be my home when your parents aren't here so I wasn't exactly lying."

"I don't care that you're not in school," I said. "My parents have forbade me from seeing you and I kinda hate them for it."

"We'll find away to see each other. After all you did when I was suspended," Pete replied.

I laughed and ran a hand through my blonde hair. "Like skipping school?"

Pete smirked. "Who needs school when you're in a band."

I rolled my eyes at him before grabbing his hand and leading Pete up to my room. Since Pete was here I knew that I had a couple of hours where I wouldn't be bored. Pete pulled his hand free and made his way over to my acoustic guitar. He picked it up and gestured for me to sit on my bed. This earned him another eye roll. I sat beside him and watched as he made himself at home on my bed with my guitar.

Pete began to play the chords to the song he had convinced me to write with him. A bubbly feeling spread throughout my body and I found myself leaning closer to Pete. This was the first song we had written together and at the moment it was currently the only one. As I listened to the melody emanate from my guitar I began to imagine all the songs Pete and I could write. Halfway through the song I began humming the lyrics. Pete smiled encouragingly at me and soon I was singing along with him.

"Trick your voice still amazes me," Pete said after he had finished playing.

A blush lit up my cheeks. "Does it really?"

Pete nodded as he set the guitar aside. He crawled closer to me and pressed his lips lightly against mine. The bubbly feeling returned along with other instincts I wasn't familiar with. My arms wrapped around his neck and I kissed him back. Pete pulled away and he chuckled at my expression. He ran his fingertips through my hair, messing it slightly as he did so.

"Why don't we write another song together?" Pete suggested.

I clapped my hands together like a small child and I grinned. "That would be awesome! I've had this idea stuck in my head for about a week and I've been wanting you to help me perfect it."

I went to my school bag and pulled out my battered notebook filled with the lyrics I had previously written, along with the song Pete and I had written, Alone Together.


For two hours Pete and I worked on the lyrics to the song that we had decided to call Favourite Record. Pete was already impressed with what I had already written but I had insisted that we work on it. After the two hours of writing we had come up with this:

Do you do, do you remember
When we drove, we drove, drove through the night
And we danced, we danced
To Rancid, and we danced, we danced

And I confessed, confessed to you
Riding shotgun underneath the purple skies
And we danced, we danced
With windows down, and we danced, we danced

(Spin for you like your favourite records used to...)
(Spin for you like your favourite records used to...)

You were the song stuck in my head
Every song that I've ever loved
Played again and again and again
And you can get what you want but it's never enough
And I spin for you like your favourite records used to
And I spin for you like your favourite records used to

And I can't, I can't, I can't remember
Just how to forget, forget the way
That we danced, we danced
To Danzig, and we danced, we danced

And when you ask, you ask me how I'm doing
Like you know, you know how much better off I am
And when we danced, we danced
With windows down, and we danced, we danced

(Spin for you like your favourite records used to...)
(Spin for you like your favourite records used to...)

You were the song stuck in my head
Every song that I've ever loved
Played again and again and again
And you can get what you want but it's never enough
And I spin for you like your favourite records used to
And I spin for you like your favourite records used to

I spin, I spin, I spin, I spin
For you, for you, for you, for you, for yeah...

(Spin for you like your favourite records used to, used to, to, to...)
(Spin for you like your favourite records used to, used to, to, to...)

I stared at the piece of paper and I felt as if we needed to work on it more but I knew Pete liked it, his large grin said so.

"I think we should work on it some more," I stated.

Pete tapped my arm playfully and rolled his eyes at me. "It's perfect Trick. I bet if we showed the guys this song they would say the same thing."

"Okay then, why don't we call them and get them to come over now," I suggested.

Pete rolled his eyes and pointed to my alarm clock. "Your parents will be here in ten minutes which means I've got to go."

I pouted. "Don't go Pete."

Pete leaned over and kissed my forehead. "I'll be back tomorrow afternoon and the day after that. I'm not going to let you be all alone."

"So you want us to be alone together," I said.

Pete laughed and he messed my hair up again. "Exactly. But tomorrow I'm going to bring Joe and Andy over so that they can see the song."

"Must they come," I whined.

"Yes," Pete replied with a smirk. "I know you love my company but they're your friends as well." Pete kissed my lips lightly then pulled away from me. "I'll see you tomorrow Trick."

"Bye Pete," I murmured.

"Love ya Trick."

"Love you too," I whispered as I watched Pete walk out of my room.

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