Epilogue: Centuries

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(Patrick's P.O.V)

It has been several years since that incident at high school. Jake had moved from Chicago all the way to New York just to escape the bullying he had received after the result of Austin's plan. I felt guilty for what we had done to him and on the day he left I could see that Pete felt the same way, not that he'd admit it to me or anyone else. I was just fortunate enough to know him better than the others do.

After Jake had left school everything seemed vaguely normal. People still got bullied to some extent but not as badly as my friends and I had been. Everyone knew not to push the quiet kids too far because there was a very real possibility that the quiet kids would fight back in much the same manner as we did. That was one of the positives to our plan to being Jake down. Another big positive was the fact that the majority of the students stopped being homophobic idiots and stopped using 'gay' as a synonym for shitty, though there were still a few who did so. The majority had pleased Pete immensely because he was so against the word 'gay' being used a a synonym for shitty.

After school and our troubles with Jake; Andy, Joe, Pete and I started focusing more on the band. It had been something we had just stopped after Jake had threatened to hurt me if Pete didn't stop talking to me. We were slowly becoming popular and that was the main thing. Being on the music industry was something we all wanted to do, we just wanted to help kids like us.

The people who had became my friends were also trying hard in the music world too. So far Alex, Rian, Zack and Jack were the only ones who had successfully broken through. All Time Low was growing more and more popular a the days went by and the kids went crazy for 'Jalex' they ate that shit up. The guys were trying hard to help everyone teach their goals but there was only so much they could do.

"Trick!" Pete shouted.

I shook my head clear of thoughts and I gazed up at the man who had stolen my heart. Pete was shirtless which caused my cheeks to heat instantly and for me to glance away. Pete chuckled at my shyness but slipped the shirt in his hands on.

"Sorry Pete I was just thinking," I said.

"It's all good Patrick I was just seeing if you're ready to go," Pete replied then he smiled crookedly. "Our dinner reservation is soon."

I rose to my feet and returned Pete's smile. "Yeah I'm ready."

Pete slipped his hands in mine and led me towards our apartment door.

I never knew I would ever up here when I had first laid eyes on Pete. I still didn't know we would end up here when he started talking to me. Everything that had happened had brought us closer and for that I was thankful because I would be lost without Pete. He was everything I needed and more. As we walked down the street towards our favourite restaurant I couldn't help wonder where I'd be if Pete never talked to me.

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