8. The Pros And Cons Of Breathing

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(Pete's P.O.V)

The students were seated on the bleachers talking amongst themselves about the prep rally. The babble of voices echoed around the gym but I could see that some students were keeping to themselves, I didn't blame them. From my vantage point I could see Vic, Taylor, Cassadee, Mike, Zack, Rian, Hayley, Kellin, Jenna and Patrick sitting in various places on the bleachers to throw Jake's attention. Patrick had his arms crossed over his chest and his lips were pulled down in a thin line, he was annoyed that I wouldn't let him help with today. Tony, Jamie and myself stand in one corner while Andy, Joe and Alex stand in the other corner. We had our buckets of paint set up and ready to go, all we had to do was pull the rope at the right time. Jack was hidden up at the very back of bleachers, ready to pull the banner down the moment Jake took the spotlight. None of us really liked the banner idea not after we planned on destroying their social lives but Jack really wanted to take this opportunity to tell Jake to go fuck himself.

The school's marching band began playing which caused the majority of the students to start to cheer. The cheerleaders leapt and flipped their way into the gym making some of the guys whistle. Alex looked over towards me and raised an eyebrow but I shook my head. Alex looked like he was sighing. Andy, Joe and Alex exchanged a look that suggested that they were ready but there were some guests that were missing.

The cheerleaders got the crowd cheering and within in seconds the football team were sprinting into the gym. The enthusiasts in the crowd clapped and cheered for the jocks but some remained silent. I looked back up to Alex and nodded. At that exact moment I tapped Tony and Jamie on the shoulder and indicated to the ropes.

"Three . . . two . . . one!" I shouted.

We pulled the ropes and the buckets filled with paint tipped to the side, falling down onto the cheerleaders that were standing in a heap. Their shrieks of fear echoed around the gym. Many students erupted in laughter but the football players seemed annoyed.

"Who the hell-" Jake began to say but Jack cut him off.

"Oi! Jake!" Jack shouted.

From my position I could see Jack's sign he had made. A bad feeling clawed at the pit of my stomach as Jake glanced up to see who was calling his name. Jack had his arms held high in the air and he was flipping Jake off with a huge grin on his face. People began to laugh after they saw the sign, even sone of the guys on the football team laughed. Jake, however, was practically foaming at the mouth.

"Barakat!" Jake shouted.

Jack laughed and darted as fast as he could down the bleachers and towards the gym doors but he found himself in a whole heap of trouble. Jack had glanced over his shoulder to check on Jake but he should have been watching where he was going. Jack slammed into the principal and he slowly turned around to apologize but it was too late.

"Mr Barakat!" Mr Carlton barked. "My office now!"

Jack's shoulders slumped and he went to exit the gym when I came to his rescue.

"Mr Carlton! This wasn't Jack's fault!" I said.

"Then who's was it, Mr Wentz?" Mr Carlton demanded.

"It was mine. I organised everything and I blackmailed Jack into helping me," I replied.

"Mr Wentz, thank you for being honest but this doesn't excuse what you've done. To my office now! I'm sorry Mr Barakat about the mix up," Mr Caralton said.

"No problem sir," Jack replied. Jack started to walk back towards our group but he stopped to whisper 'thank you' into my ear before he walked off.

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