Chapter 1

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I grinned as I sped though the forest, enjoying the smell of dirt and moss. I heard the growls and howling behind me, but felt no fear. Only adrenaline, the kind that makes you feel giddy and hyper. After all, what did I have to be afraid of? I was immortal.

And fast

A high-pitched laugh escaped me as I dodged one of the wolves and watched it slam into a tree. I laughed even harder when a branch broke off of the giant pine from the force of the impact, smacking the animal directly on the head. Though I was pretty sure animals couldn't feel emotions the same way humans could, this wolf looked absolutely vexed as it leapt to its feet, lunging for me again.

With an easy dodge, I avoided the animal, taking off once again. Every once in a while, the sound of paws behind me would be too distant, and I would slow down a little. If they completely lost my trail, this fun game would end. 

Fun. It was something I didn't get to experience often. I was good at not being bored. I could tie flowers together to make a crown for myself, like the one I was currently wearing. I could hold my breath for almost twenty minutes- watching the little fish swim by as I tried to beat my record was a common pass-time of mine. I could build forts, look for hidden caves behind waterfalls, and race to the tops of the tallest trees I could find. I was good at entertaining myself. 

But this was great! I couldn't remember the last time I had felt adrenaline pumping through me, or heard myself laugh so hard. I waited until one of the wolves got close enough to lunge at me, and then I turned sharply, running off once again. 

Eventually, the game got old. It was hard for me to stay interested in any game that I made up for long.  Taking a massive leap, I bounded straight over a giant river. I grinned at the wolves on the other side, waiting for them to swim after me so I could show off how skilled I was at holding my breath. But they stayed where they were, not bothering to follow me across the water. I turned away, slightly disappointed that I wasn't going to get the dramatic conclusion I had wanted.

Washington was the best! The forests here provided me with the cover I needed to stay hidden from people- humans and vampires alike. There was plenty of rain, lots of trees to climb, and runoff snow from mountains-and rivers- providing me with a steady water source. And I had thought before that all the little animals running around would give me a reliable food source, but apparently there were massive mutant-looking wolves here who could also amuse me if I ever found myself bored.

I didn't bother to listen behind me and make sure the wolves hadn't followed. I liked surprises. And it wasn't as if they posed any huge threat to me, anyway. No matter how big and fast they were, at the end of the day, they were still just animals. If they hadn't smelled so gross, I would have been excited, thinking about the feast of blood that just one of those wolves could have provided me with.

I picked up a stick I found and smacked it against trees as I ran, trying to create a rhythm to match the tune that I was humming. I had overheard the song from a house I had ventured near once, in search of new clothes. Though my Mother had been  part vampire, and my father a full vampire, I still got cold if the weather was extreme enough. It was always annoying, to have to get so close to humans, but it was necessary. If I had a lack of warm clothes or water, my few irritating human traits would suffer. Being part human made me feel weak- I hated feeling weak.

My humming came to a sudden halt as I reached another river. Something felt... off. There were smells here I couldn't recognize. One smelled almost like the wolves I had come across earlier, but a faded and musky scent. They must have stopped to drink here a few days ago. 

But the other scents were completely foreign to me. Cool, sweet smells that were mixing with the pine and river. 

I used my power. Taking in a deep breath, I almost felt myself fade a little, creating an illusion around me. Making myself invisible. 

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