Chapter 6

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I hung awkwardly back as everyone spoke. My plans were all ruined. There was no way for me to sneak out a window as I listened to Edward discuss with Carlisle, talking about how they planned to have Emmett install alarms on every window in the house. Edward joked that it would also prevent Renesmee from sneaking out when she got a little older, but his eyes flew to me as he said it.

He knew. Of course he knew.

Esme flitted over to stand next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me snug against her body. Her hand rubbed up and down my back calmingly. I sighed, forcing some of the tension in my body out.

I had felt the pout on my face, and I knew that my arms were crossed, but I didn't actually consider that my expressions would show everybody in the room how I was feeling. I still wasn't used to being around other people, and having to censor my emotions and reactions to things. 

"Don't be afraid, Darling," Esme whispered to me. "Everybody here just wants to help you and make sure you are safe and healthy."

Well, at least she didn't know what I was upset about. She just knew that I was. That was better than nothing.

Edward and Carlisle discussed how they would speak to the wolf pack, asking them to slightly adjust their routes to make sure nothing else got through. After all, I could have been an insane murderer. They also mentioned that Jacob was furious that I had not only gotten past their patrol , but had managed to sneak into  his imprint's bedroom.

I made a mental note to not only ask Renesmee what an 'imprint' was later, but to also avoid Jacob. The last thing I wanted was the fury of a werewolf to be directed towards me. 

Renesmee went on and on about us sharing a bedroom. She would excitedly start talking when Edward and Carlisle paused briefly in their conversation, asking her father a million questions about what they had purchased at the store. She seemed to be excited to have a room makeover, though I almost expected her to be upset about having to share a room suddenly. I knew how much I valued my privacy, and not having a space to myself would surely irritate me. 

I had never needed to share before.

Just as the thought crossed my mind, Edward glanced at me. He held up a hand to silence his daughter, who huffed at the signal, but went quiet. Looking between Renesmee and I, Edward said, "Now, girls. Neither of you have ever had to share a bedroom before. There are quite a lot of benefits to children sharing a bedroom. It teaches you how to cooperate and how to share." 

His eyes met mine as he said the word 'share', and I looked away, disturbed that he always seemed to know exactly where my mind was wandering. I really needed to work on my poker face.

Edward still had more to say, though. "It also teaches you to be patient, to compromise, and will no doubt help the two of you become closer, helping you both to gain more socialization skills". He looked at me again as he said the last benefit and I glared.

"It will be so fun, Daddy!" Renesmee squealed, seeming to have no hesitation about sharing a bedroom.That made one of us. I had never even slept in a bedroom until the night before, and now I was expected to not only stay in one permanently, but to share it.

Thankfully, Edward seemed to sense my qualms. "Yes, Renesmee, I'm sure you two will have a lot of fun together," He promised. "But sharing a bedroom also means the space is no longer entirely yours. You will have less privacy, and less of your own space. I expect both of you to respect each other, and to respect the other's needs and belongings. While you both need to share, that does not mean bickering over who's turn it is to use what or play with something. Just because sharing a bedroom offers more opportunities for misbehavior, that does not mean such misbehavior will go unrecognized or unpunished. Do you both understand?"

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