Chapter 28

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I said nothing as we made the long walk back to the house. Not when Carlisle asked me what in the world I had been thinking. Not when Esme told me how much trouble I was in. Not when Renesmee reached over to grip my hand in hers.

And not when I silently ripped my hand away from her, using it to wipe away my tears, instead.

She had betrayed me. My first friend. My sister. She had turned on me.

But we never told on eachother. That was the rule. When she had jumped off the swing, I had stood watch to make sure Bella wasn't nearby to see. When the ball had gone a little too far, disappearing into the forest, she hadn't tattled when I chased after it.

I had still gotten caught. But not because of Renesmee. She had lied for me, and we had gotten into trouble together. It had hurt. But not as much as this.

I hate you. I hope you know how much I hate you.

But Renesmee never apologized, or asked for forgiveness. She just walked beside me in silence. Though I wanted to turn and angrily stalk away from her, just to make a point, I couldn't. Carlisle's arm was firmly around my shoulder, keeping me pressed against him and setting the pace.

It took a long time for us to reach the house. Takoda had fallen asleep in Esme's arms, and she rushed him back up to Carlisle's office. Apparently it was past time for him to take his medicine.

I hadn't known that.

Almost every other time when I had been in trouble, I had been sent up to my bedroom. Today, Carlisle told me to stand in the corner in the living room. And then he sat down on the chair and waited. I wondered if he was so angry that he needed time to calm down before punishing me.

After what felt like a long time with everyone's eyes on me, Alice softly spoke up. "The medicine is working. The sleep aid mixed with the soundproof walls will keep Takoda from waking now."

My body froze when Carlisle called me over, gesturing for me to stand between his legs. But... That was where I stood for a lecture right before he punished me.

Here? In front of everyone?

At first I didn't move. And when Carlisle called me over a second time, I still stayed in place. But when he started counting down from three, I rushed over to him. I didn't know what happened when he hit one, and I didn't want to find out.

He stared at me for several moments, his eyes seeming to demand answers. But I never spoke first. Not during punishments. I was supposed to be quiet unless he asked something. So I didn't say anything.

Carlisle finally took a deep breath. "Camellia Louise," He said slowly. "What were you thinking?"

Tears immediately started leaking from my eyes. "I... I was trying to save you."

"By running away?" He demanded. "By disobeying all of us, who told you not to run off again? By going into the forest alone, and breaking the most important  rule you have? By forcing Takoda through the forest, and making it impossible for him to get the prompt medical care he needs? By forcing the entire family into the forest to search for you, exposing us all? Please explain to me how your plan was meant to work out."

I stayed silent, except for the sob that escaped me. My hands moved to wipe at my cheeks, but Carlisle was holding on to my wrists firmly, making it impossible as he stared into my eyes.

How did he do that? How was it possible that, no matter how much planning I had done, no matter how much thought and effort I had put into everything, he still managed to shoot it down so easily? To make me sound like a foolish child who had acted rashly? But it wasn't  a rash decision.

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