Chapter 17

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Mato and I stood in silence for a moment, staring at each other. My first instinct was to attack and run, but a large part of my mind, the part that had experienced love and kindness, and the part that listened to the lessons that the Cullens had taught me, screamed at me to wait. Maybe he was just trying to talk. Maybe I didn't need to use violence.

"Hello, Mato," I said cautiously. He glared, saying nothing. After a few seconds with no response,  I felt my instincts rising, pushing away the civilized side of me that the Cullens had been slowly encouraging to grow. But I hadn't experienced a true threat since arriving at the Cullen's house. There was only one way that I knew how to cope with a threat- unlike Carlisle, my first instinct was not to find peaceful resolutions. 

"What do you want?" I hissed, feeling my knees bend slightly as my body got ready for an attack.

Make sure he strikes first, my rational side whispered. They can't be mad at you if you only defend yourself.

Mato made a face at me. "I want you and your stupid vampire family off of my land!" His land? This was Koda's house- Mato had no more ownership over it than I did. But if he wanted a fight, he could have one! 

Bristling, I stepped towards him, closing in threateningly. Mato took a few steps backwards, but halted, standing his ground. When my advance didn't stop, his arms suddenly shot out towards me, connecting with my chest and pushing me to the ground. He made no further approach towards me, but it didn't matter. 

I was the Queen of the Forest. I wasn't afraid of anybody.

With a loud snarl, I jumped to my feet, shoving him right back. He stumbled, but didn't fall, so I pounced on him with all of my weight, and we both tumbled on to the grass. I felt him shaking, but I didn't care as my hands reached for his neck. 

Mato exploded beneath me, scraps of clothes flying all around us as fur burst out from his skin. The force of the change sent me flying through the air, tumbling to the ground. Now in his wolf form, he was suddenly much taller than me as his giant teeth snapped at me- he had the higher ground, with me still on my back on the grass. But I wasn't afraid. I knew how to play this game. 

I had already won it once before.

Using my legs, I kicked him as hard as I could, sending him flying away from me. He smacked into a tree and was immediately running for me again, but by now I was on my feet and moving. I felt a thrill rush through me, a feeling I hadn't truly experienced since I had lived free in the forest. 

Using my power to turn invisible, I easily dodged him, laughing as I watched him look around wildly in his search for me. He lunged towards the sound, but he was slightly off and I danced away easily, shoving him into another tree. He crashed into it so hard that the entire tree toppled, the roots spraying mud everywhere, causing me to howl with laughter again.

I had missed causing so much chaos, feeling the adrenaline of a real chase. How perfectly savagery suited me. 

Suddenly my feet were off the ground, but this time, I didn't lash out at the hands. I recognized them immediately, going still as I realized Carlisle had heard me laughing, watching as I threw Mato into a tree.

"I'll kill you!" Takoda's voice was as fierce as I had ever heard it as he came barreling around the corner of the house with a scream, his entire body shaking. His eyes were locked on Mato, and his voice was almost a growl. "I'll kill you Mato, I swear I'll kill you!"

Sam gripped Koda's arm, stopping him from approaching Mato, who was still in wolf form and picking himself up from the ground. He was limping, and Carlisle handed me off to Edward as he rushed to Mato's side, securing his foot so it would heal properly and not need to be re-broken.

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