Chapter 10

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After a long silence, Edward mumbled something about going to call Emily, turning back to the house. I watched him go, angry that he was leaving me with this boy, who was still staring at me.

Was it the hair ribbons? Did he think I looked silly and immature?

His eyes followed me, and I glared back as I sat on top of the slide. This was a good spot. If he started climbing up the steps or the rock wall, I would just slide down and make a mad dash for the house.  

I wanted to fight him. I was still the Queen of the Forest, even if I had a bathtime and bedtime and got in trouble sometimes. I wasn't afraid of him. 

But... I was a little bit afraid of making Esme and Carlisle upset. So instead of fighting, running would probably be better.

The boy didn't approach me, though. He just took a few steps to the side, coming around to the front of the slide to see me better. "Hi," He mumbled, still staring. I let out a frustrated breath as I met his gaze. I hoped that my expression was clear.

Leave me alone.

Jacob was the one to break our tense stare-off, though mine was more of a scowl. He came up behind the boy and put his hands on his shoulders, reminding me of the way Carlisle or Esme often stood behind me in an attempt to provide a little bit of support while forcing me to do something that made me nervous.

"Camellia, this is Takoda," Jake told me. "He is the youngest of my pack- he just turned eleven."

Patting Takoda's shoulders, Jake went on to introduce me. "Koda, this is Camellia. She lives with the Cullens now. She's immortal."

Takoda's smile grew larger. "Camellia," he repeated, looking up at me. "I'm immortal too! As long as I keep shifting."

Turning away with another glare over my shoulder, I muttered, "good for you," racing to the other end of the big toy. Renesmee was making her way up the steps, and I grabbed her arm to pull her closer. "What is wrong with that kid?" She glanced over to Takoda, who was moving closer now.

"You don't like him?"

I looked at her like she was crazy. As far as I was concerned, she was crazy. What kind of a question was that? Why would I like a kid who did nothing but stare? 

Jacob called out to me and Renesmee, and we both turned to look at him. He had a hand on Takoda's shoulder, guiding him over to us. "As much as I respect your need for girl talk, you have time to do that later. Play with Takoda, too". 

"Okay!" Renesmee seemed to know the boy well, and not find anything strange in his behavior. "Come on, Takoda," she called, running towards the pack. 

He stayed in place, watching me. And as long as he was blocking the stairs, there was no way I was coming down and walking right past him.

Nessie realized quickly that nobody was following her. She returned with a huff, climbing up the stairs to grab my arm. "Come on," she whined, yanking me after her. As we neared Takoda I broke out of her hold, sprinting past him as fast as I could. I heard both him and Renesmee following after me, but I was faster.

Up ahead, Esme was holding a giant platter, passing out food to the pack. Launching myself at her, I wrapped my arms around her waist as I hid behind her skirt. I was afraid that if I attacked Takoda, she would punish me. But now that she saw me running and hiding, with him pursuing, she would be forced to either defend me herself, or at least not be mad if I did it, right?

Esme smiled down at me, putting a gentle hand on my head as she watched Takoda and Nessie run up to us. "Hello, Takoda," she greeted warmly. "It's nice to see you again, Darling. Are you kids having fun?"

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