Chapter 47

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Koda and I played for a while, alternating between making Christmas gifts and planning out things we could add to the treehouse. After my curiosity had slightly faded as to the conversation the adults were having inside, I got been excited about skipping a nap- Carlisle and Esme had never allowed that before. 

My body seemed to be on a schedule, though, and I eventually gave in. I made my way towards the bunkbed that was in the treehouse and laid down, wanting to just rest for a few minutes. 

Unfortunately, I fell asleep, ruining my chance to avoid a nap that day. I woke up to a feeling of weightlessness, gentle hands holding me firmly as Carlisle jumped down from the porch of the treehouse. 

"Hi, Daddy," I mumbled, glancing over his shoulder. Koda was making his way down after us, using the ladder instead of jumping. He grinned at me, not seeming offended that I had fallen asleep instead of playing.

Carlisle smiled down at me, but there was something strange in his expression. He had smiled at me hundreds of times, but never had there been such a tightness in his eyes, such a tenseness behind his smile. "Hello, Love. Let's get you into bed."

I didn't argue as he carried me through the house. Something was wrong- I could feel it.  We passed through the living room, and the normal contentment was gone. Esme and Renesmee had fake cheerful smiles on their faces, while Jasper and Rosalie were simply scowling. 

Nessie's fake smile was the easiest to detect- I knew her too well. "Why are you sad?" I asked her, reaching over Carlisle's shoulder towards her. 

She gripped my hand, blinking away tears. The fake smile never fell. "I'm not sad, Sis. Don't worry about it."

I glared at her, irritated that she was lying. After all the times we had seen each other cry, she couldn't even tell me what was wrong with her?

Taking note of my expression, Nessie tacked on, "Zafrina left, is all. I'm just disappointed."

"She did?" I asked, unable to hide my disappointment. "But... she promised to show me the pretty butterflies again. She said she would take me there!"

Carlisle's arms tightened around me. "You will not be going." His tone was hard, and I instinctively flinched. Usually he only spoke to me like that when I was about to get in real trouble.

"What's wrong, Daddy?" I asked, reaching up to cup his cheek. He did that to me when I was upset, and the touch usually worked to help me calm down.

My father sighed, his forehead smoothing out as he dropped the glare he had been unconsciously wearing. "Did you get into a fight with Zafrina?"

Carlisle shook his head. "No, love. It's nothing to worry over."

But I was worried. Everyone seemed to be. Even now that he was carefully hiding his emotions, I could see the tenseness in Carlisle's expression as he sat me on my bed and pulled my dress off, reaching for my nightgown. 

Once I was tucked into bed, with Koda in the mattress across from me, Carlisle moved to leave the room. "I love you, Daddy," I said softly, hoping to pull him out of whatever strange mood he was in.

"I love you too, Camellia. Goodnight."

The light turned off, leaving Koda and I in darkness. He fell asleep quickly, but I just couldn't seem to. I was incredibly sad that Zafrina had left without upholding her promise of showing me more pretty things, but this problem was clearly bigger than that. Obviously there had been some kind of fight, or at least a disagreement. Had Zafrina stormed off? Or had she been sent away? What could have angered everyone so much to send away someone they had referred to as a close friend? Someone Renesmee clearly loved deeply?

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