Chapter 48

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Esme tried to pull Koda and I into different games- she even offered to let us play marbles in the house, something that she usually didn't allow because they rolled around wildly. When that didn't work, she offered to let us open our gift early, and then to make us more hot chocolate.

But Koda stayed glued to the window, his breath fogging it up as he stared out towards the treeline. And I didn't leave his side, reaching over to clutch his shaking hand. 

Renesmee wasn't as good as Esme at hiding her emotions- she was sitting on the couch, worriedly biting at her nails. She wasn't speaking either, and the house fell into an unusual silence.

Though time seemed to be passing so, so slowly, it was likely only a few minutes after the others left that the phone rang. The sound seemed to cut through the house, and we all jumped. Esme made it there first, picking up the landline in the kitchen. 

She didn't even say hello- she just put the phone to her ear and listened. I anxiously watched the different emotions flash across her face- surprise, anger, concern- before she caught my eye and did her best to bury them.

"Dear Lord," She sighed, shaking her head. "Bring them here, Carlisle. All of them. We'll make room."

Koda and I shared a confused glance. "What, Mommy?" I asked, not really caring that I was breaking a rule- interrupting was naughty. "Are they okay? Is Mato?"

"And Ani?" Koda added on urgently.

Esme kept the phone to her ear, but nodded in our direction. I felt almost all of the tension leave my body, and Koda visibly relaxed beside me, too. 

The conversation ended quickly, and we all watched as Esme hung up the phone. 

"Well?" Nessie asked, her voice loud. I hadn't noticed her come to stand right behind me. "What the hell was that about?"

In her relief, Esme didn't even correct Nessie's language. She just shook her head, glancing down at Koda and I. I knew what that meant- she was about to censor the truth.

"Three of Mato's little brothers just shifted- including Calian." Esme's voice was calm, but there was some underlying emotion I couldn't quite pinpoint- Aggravation? Resentment? Whatever it was, it sounded wrong in her gentle tone.

Nessie gasped. "Calian?" She breathed, and I struggled to recall which brother that was- Mato had so many. "But he... he's only...what, five? How can that happen?"

Oh. Calian was the smallest of the boys- he had been a baby when I first met the Cullens. 

Esme just shook her head, though I was sure there was more to the story. She was looking at Koda with concern. He met her gaze, as confused as I was.

"Takoda, Darling, come up to the bedroom with me. There's something we need to discuss." Esme gently reached out to grasp his hand, but he flinched away, leaning into me.

"I want Ammie to come," He said softly, afraid of how cryptic she was being.

But Esme shook her head. "Takoda, this is a private conversation-"

"I want her there" He demanded, his voice stronger now. 

Esme pursed her lips, but finally nodded her consent. She put a hand on each of our shoulders, leading us away from Bella and Nessie. I wondered what the point of that was- with their amazing hearing, both of them would hear the conversation anyway. Was it just to offer some illusion of privacy? What could be so bad that Esme was worried about us needing privacy to respond?

Maybe Ani wasn't actually okay- would Esme lie about that? What else could it be?

We made it to the bedroom and Esme closed the door firmly behind us. Koda gripped my hand tightly as he pulled me to sit right beside him on the bed. Esme kneeled in front of us, though her focus seemed to be entirely on Takoda. He met her gaze steadily, almost looking angry.

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