Chapter 9

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I moved slightly, not truly awake as I noted my discomfort. My body was used to sleeping in trees or in dirt- beds were too soft. It felt like I was sinking, or about to be suffocated by the mattress surrounding me. But at least I was warm.

Somehow, I managed to fall back into a light sleep, little clips of dreams floating through my mind before abruptly ending. A new dream suddenly came to me, but this one was different. It was brighter and clearer, looking more like my usual dreams rather than the flickers I had been getting as I toed the line between awake and asleep.

This dream, though, was strange. It wasn't about me.

I watched as Renesmee ran through the forest, looking around wildly, sensing a threat. She was breathing hard as she glanced behind her- cloaked figures with red eyes followed. She ran faster, but time seemed to be going slow for her. Despite the fact that she was sprinting and they were walking, they were catching up. Quickly.

In the distance, she saw her house. Her father was sitting at the piano, clearly visible on the other side of the big glass window. 

"Daddy!" Renesmee screamed, looking behind her again. The figures were closer now. 

Edward didn't hear. He wasn't actually playing the piano, just sitting with his fingers resting on the keys. Why couldn't he hear?

"Daddy, help!" Renesmee's fear grew, tears streaming down her face as the figures closed in, reaching for her.

A loud howl echoed through the dream, and I was startled awake. But somehow, even fully awake and with my eyes wide open, I could still see the dream. 

The source of the howl was a massive wolf, running towards Renesmee. Stepping between her and the cloaked men. The wolf stood firm, staring down the strange demon until it suddenly disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Jacob!" Renesmee threw herself at the wolf, hugging its neck. The wolf lowered itself into a kneel, allowing Nessie to climb aboard its back. Then it started running, carrying Renesmee towards the house where her family was waiting for her.

She heard a piano playing as Jacob carried her through the front door.

The images disappeared suddenly as Renesmee moved, sighing in her sleep and moving her hand off of my arm as she turned to face the other direction. I was left staring at the ceiling with wide eyes, wondering what had just happened.

Clearly, that had been Renesmee's dream. But how had I seen it? Was her power really so forceful that, even in her sleep, she could silently communicate?

It took me a long time to fall back to sleep, and when I opened my eyes again, the sun was just starting to peak out over the trees that I could see from the window. I watched as the sky turned a pretty pink and orange color until the bedroom door suddenly opened. 

Bella and Edward walked into the room. Bella went to the dresser that Renesmee and I now shared, pulling out underwear and knee-length socks, before making her way to the closet to pick out our clothes. Edward came over to the bed, smiling at me and gently running his finger down Renesmee's cheek.

"Ness," He said softly. "It's time to wake up, Love". 

Renesmee groaned, not opening her eyes. "But Daddy," she whined. "I still want to sleep!"

Sitting up to avoid being associated with Renesmee's refusal, I waited to see what Edward would do. Would he be mad at her for not doing as he said immediately? I held my breath, hoping that he would just start counting and not immediately be upset.

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