Chapter 4

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I gazed at the faces around me. All of the vampires were staring at me. I was shocked to realize that Renesmee was right- their eyes were all a yellowish color. She had said it was because they didn't hunt humans, but I hadn't quite believed her.

Despite their refusal to hurt humans, I was still terrified to see how outnumbered I was. I met Renesmee's eyes again, somehow hoping that she could bring me comfort, or even call off her family. She gave me a small smile.

I flinched as a hand touched my cheek. Carlisle was persistent, though, reaching for me again when I leaned away. His fingers brushed gently against my head, then trailed down to my cheek, assessing my injuries.

Having been on my own for so long made me uncomfortable to any kind of touching. Even Renesmee gently tapping my arm made me lean away. So my discomfort was growing steadily as I was held in place for this man to inspect the fading cuts on my face.

"I heal fast," I mumbled, twisting my body in an attempt to escape his grip. He allowed me to pull away, but kept a hand on my shoulder. His gentle touch couldn't fool me- this was no friendly gesture. He was keeping me in place, preparing to restrain me again if I tried to bolt for the window.

"So I see." Carlisle smiled at me. "The wound is all but healed. Luckily it doesn't seem to have been too severe to begin with."

I remembered Renesmee telling me that her Grandfather was a doctor, but that was just another aspect of her life I had assumed she had made up. A vampire doctor was a silly thought. But from his poking and prodding, followed by his assessment, I was starting to realize her family may actually be as ridiculous as she had described.

"You must be the friend that Nessie has told us so much about." Though Carlisle's voice was friendly, I was sure there was a hint of anger somewhere in it that I was missing. Now he knew that I was the reason Renesmee had crossed the river without permission. And that I had been the reason she was scolded for lying, even when she hadn't been. And I had broken into his home to steal clothes, woken Renesmee up hours after her bedtime, and all but destroyed her bedroom. Even now, my bare feet left mud stains on the floor as I nervously shifted from foot to foot, and the mix of blood and water slowly dripped down my face, to my arm, and off my fingertips to the floor.

I nodded. Denying it would only add 'lying' to the ever-growing list of reasons he might want to kill me.

"She's told us quite a lot about you. Though based on some of the information she gave us, I'm sure she misunderstood some aspects. I'm sorry to say I was actually convinced that you may just be an imaginary friend."

I hesitated, not having enough practice with talking to people to actually know how to respond. I settled for another nod, which seemed to be acceptable. I didn't want to anger him further. The longer I could keep him talking, the longer I got to live.

"She told us that you live all by yourself in the forest?"

I nodded.

Carlisle raised his eyebrows. Apparently he had thought that piece of information was a lie.

"Your Mother was a hybrid and your Father was a vampire? Making you primarily a vampire?"

Another nod.

"And that you seem to have several powers?"

This time I hesitated. My powers were my secret. If things went wrong, they would be the only chance I had at coming out on top- they granted me the element of surprise.

I shrugged.

Carlisle gazed at my face, knowing I was lying but not knowing to what extent I was lying. I glanced nervously behind me. All of the other vampires- Renesmee's family- were still standing in the doorway, watching me. Once again, my eyes found Renesmee's, and she smiled at me.

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