Chapter 36

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No matter how slowly I tried to nibble on my food, eventually it was gone and Esme cleared the plate from in front of me. I waited for Mato to finish, and Esme took his plate, as well.

And then there were no more excuses.

Mato bravely led the way to the living room, feigning boredom as he usually did when faced with stressful situations. At least, I thought that was what he was doing. Hopefully it wasn't only me who was afraid.

Carlisle sat on the couch, waiting for us. He put his thick book down when we walked in, carefully sliding it on to the small sidetable next to the sofa. "Come over here, please, children," he called. We were definitely in trouble. 

I stood in front of Carlisle, Mato right at my side. Mato stayed silent, so I decided it was up to me to try to get us out of trouble. Before, this had always been a role that Koda or Renesmee had taken on. 

"Yes, Daddy?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound cute. Nessie had used to do that, and while it never really worked on Bella, I was pretty sure I had used to see Edward's eyes soften at the tone. 

I saw no shift in Carlisle's expression. Maybe I had done it wrong.

"I wanted to discuss what exactly occurred between you two and Elody. Of course, her response was entirely out of line and not at all your faults. However, Edward saw both of your takes on it and implied that perhaps there was more to it than Elody just having a dietary relapse. Either of you care to give me your version, or shall I assume Edward correctly understood?"

My eyes moved away from Carlisle's as I recalled exactly how it had all started. Elody had been grumpy with me, and instead of just walking away, I had stood by laughing as Mato pushed her further and further.

Mato and I both remained silent. 

After a few moments with no response, Carlisle nodded. "So, Mato. You insulted Elody to intentionally antagonize her, correct?"

"But I was just helping Ammie," Mato protested. "Elody was being mean to her!"

"And you decided that, rather than calling myself or Sam, you would insult her to make the situation worse? We've discussed how lashing out is never an appropriate response before, haven't we?"

Though he looked like he wanted to argue more, Mato just swallowed and nodded. 

After holding Mato's gaze for a second, Carlisle held out a hand to him. "Come here, my boy," he ordered. Mato hesitated, and then slowly stepped towards him. I looked away as Carlisle reached for the strings on Mato's pajama pants, and kept my eyes averted as I heard the smacks.

"You do not provoke people, Mato. Do you understand me?" Carlisle's voice was stern as he added a few more smacks. I kept my eyes down even as I heard the fabric being pulled up from Mato's ankles. He wouldn't want me to see him crying.

But then Carlisle's hands were on my wrists, pulling me forward. And I was no longer concerned with Mato's privacy as my eyes flashed up nervously. "As for you, Camellia Louise," He said, his face already disapproving. "I think we have quite a bit to discuss."

Mato was lingering by the doorway as he swiped at his tears, seeming unsure of if I would want privacy or if I would want him to be there after. But I hardly noticed him as my nightgown was pulled up and my underwear peeled down and I was lifted over Carlisle's lap.

This was bad. Even Mato hadn't gone over Carlisle's knee. It meant I was getting a full spanking, and not just a few hard smacks.

"Daddy, I'm sorry!" I pleaded, grasping at his leg to try and steady myself. Tears were already in my eyes, and the punishment hadn't even really started yet.

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