Chapter 16

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The days became more predictable as the time went on. I would wake up, usually in my own bed. I was sleeping much better now that Carlisle had set up that star projector nightlight in the bedroom I shared with Nessie. Then Esme or Bella, or sometimes Carlisle or Edward, would help me into my school uniform and send me down to breakfast. I had to be careful to not spill anything on my uniform. Then I would brush my teeth, wash my face, and go to lessons. It was important to get there on time.

Schooling was incredibly boring. But, somehow, I was learning- so, so slowly. But I was learning. Even if I usually ended up in tears by naptime, I learned how to correctly hold a pencil. And then I learned a song called 'The ABC's'. Then I traced over letters. Then I learned how to spell my own name, and had even memorized a few letters.

'L' was my favorite letter. Because that was the first letter in the word 'Love'. But that was a secret. If anybody ever asked, I would tell them that my favorite letter was 'C'. For 'Camellia'.

History was my favorite subject. Renesmee hated it, but to me, it was like a bunch of stories mixed together, unrelated and yet somehow intertwined and ever continuing. I loved stories. And art was fun, too.

After lessons we had lunch and recess, which was when we got to play outside. Then we had to wash our hands and faces and take a nap. The rest of the day was for homework and freetime, and Jacob would usually bring Koda over to visit until it was dinnertime. Then it was bathtime and bedtime.

At night, Nessie and I would whisper to each other. She loved for me to tell her stories. But if we talked for more than a couple of minutes, an adult would come up and tell us to stop. Once, Edward even turned us both over and smacked us over our nightgowns. So I was careful, now, to start the story early- sometimes even in the bath, on the nights when Renesmee and I shared one.

Saturday seemed to approach quickly. The day of Takoda's birthday party.

I was nervous and excited as Esme pulled out a pink dress for me to wear. Renesmee was complaining a little bit about having to go, but I didn't understand why she would be upset about going to a party. She liked human food, and she liked being around people. Sometimes it seemed like her and Koda didn't really get along- it made me wonder if maybe they were forced together due to the circumstances of being the only supernatural children for so long. Maybe they would have never been friends under different circumstances.

"Are you sure you don't want me to wrap his gift?" Esme asked me. 

I shook my head, allowing her to slip the dress over my head and tie the bow in the back. Even though Nessie had insisted that birthday presents needed to be wrapped, it seemed mean to put the ball of fluff into a dark box.

"I want to give it to him like this," I said, reaching to pick it up. "What if he doesn't like it, though? Maybe I should get him something else, too."

Esme reached to take the lamb from me. "Don't be silly, Darling," She reprimanded gently. "You designed this yourself, and helped me pick out the fabric before allowing me start crocheting it. It's a homemade gift, and comes from the heart. He'll love it."

My first real conversation with Takoda had been talking about names for my stuffed lamb. He had offered the name 'Cuddles', and after I said I liked it, he had explained that he liked other names better, but went with the one he thought I would like best. And I had told him I would get him a stuffed lamb to name 'Commander Lamb-Lamb' or 'Professor Bleepers'. He had seemed excited, but I was so new to being around other people- what if I had misread the emotion?

Of course an eleven year old boy didn't want a stuffed lamb. And I had even asked Esme to add a flower to the soft toy.

"Mama, why can't I wear my party dress?" Renesmee asked as we made our way to the front door. "I don't get to wear it much. And this is a party."

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