Chapter 44

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For several hours, I stayed in the family room with everybody. Koda and I played checkers, and after a few games, he wandered back upstairs to find a new boardgame. This time he returned with CandyLand- it was both my favorite and Renesmee's, so she moved from her seat next to Siobhan to sit next to us, quickly claiming the yellow piece as her own. That was my favorite piece, too, so I made a face at her as I grabbed the red one- Koda would want the blue.

Even Maggie seemed interested in this particular game, and stepped closer to watch. Nessie noticed the movement and smiled up at her. "Come on, Maggie," Renesmee called, waving the girl over. "We have another piece."

So we sat in a big circle, playing board games and laughing and joking. Every once in a while, another conversation would catch my attention. When that happened I would wander over to sit on my father's lap, or to lean against one of my Aunts or Uncles as I listened in. 

I decided that I sort of liked having company over- once I was used to them, anyway.

Before noon, though, Esme announced that lunch was ready. I now regretted trying to hide upstairs earlier- it seemed that my Mother had been serious about an early naptime. Lunch was usually served at 12:30 exactly.

Renesmee, of course, no longer had to worry about naptime, and didn't even seem to notice that we were being fed early. She skipped happily to the table, eagerly eyeing the plate in front of her- it appeared to be some kind of casserole. There was green stuff in it, and I unconsciously scrunched up my nose, knowing it was some kind of vegetable. Probably broccoli, or maybe even spinach. Gross.

Despite my irritation, I sat next to Nessie and thanked my mother for the food. It wasn't actually that bad- if I didn't think about the green parts, I hardly noticed them among the cheese and eggs and chicken. 

As soon as Koda and I finished eating, Esme ordered us up to the bedroom for naptime. I stayed seated as Nessie made her way out of the kitchen, watching enviously as she went back into the family room.

No, I reminded myself. Don't compare. It never ends well.

But Renesmee wasn't the only reason I wanted to stay up. I liked Siobhan and Maggie- and Siobhan's mate didn't seem so bad, either. I wanted to go back and keep playing and laughing. It wasn't fair that they all got to.

Esme gently guided me out of my seat, pushing me towards the door. "Go on, Love," She said. "Wash your hands and face. I'll be up in a moment to help get you into your pajamas and brush your hair."

I winced, knowing everyone in the other room would hear. Now Maggie, who had been playing with me as an equal all morning, would think that I couldn't even dress myself or brush my own hair.

"Mommy, I don't want a nap," I whined, crossing my arms. 

Esme froze for a second and then sighed, putting down the plate that she had just picked up to wash. "Camellia," She warned, eyeing me seriously. "You know perfectly well that you take a nap every day after lunch. This is nothing new, and neither is the fact that making a scene and trying to pretend to be a big girl does not help you get your way. Don't start trying to show off because we have guests. Go upstairs and wash up, please. Right now."

My fists clenched at my sides. I pulled away from Koda, who was desperately trying to pull me away, knowing where this was heading. But my eyes burned and my heart was hammering and my teeth were clenched, and I just couldn't seem to care about the potential consequences- all I could think about was the unfairness of it all. Why did I have to sleep when they didn't? I wanted to stay and play with everyone else.

My foot stomped, and a small part of my mind noted that I had never stomped my foot in anger before. I wondered where I had picked it up- maybe a book or comic I had read.

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