Chapter 41

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I didn't wake up to the sound of laughter. There were no giggles or loud talking or padding of feet in the hallway. When I glanced up at Bella, she just slightly shook her head at me. And when I made my way back into my own bedroom, I found Koda already awake, staring out of the window again. His stuffed dinosaur was still tucked under the blankets on the unused trundle bed.

For the first time ever, Koda didn't turn and smile at me as I entered the bedroom. He kept his gaze focused out the window, as if he was hoping Ani would suddenly come walking through the backyard.

I silently sat beside him, following his eyes to the treeline. Every once in a while there would be a small movement, and Koda's eyes would flash towards it. But every time it was just the wind or a small animal in the underbrush. Never Ani.

"Let's go to the treehouse," I suggested. "We can use the telescope to see further."

Koda just shook his head. "It can't see through trees. This is the best view of the whole yard."

I wasn't sure how to respond. It wasn't often Koda contradicted me. We almost always did what I wanted. "Well... I'm going to the treehouse." That was definitely the best view-point, and it had a telescope. But Koda stayed where he was as I walked towards my wardrobe. I reminded myself that having us look from two different places was actually probably better.

Nobody had set out clothes for me this morning, so I decided that meant I got to pick my own out. I decided on a pink dress with long blue socks- it reminded me of cotton candy. I also pulled out my fancy long coat- it was almost as long as my dress. Technically I was only supposed to wear it for formal events, but Esme wasn't here, Edward had gone to Emily's house to help with the boys while Sam was out searching, and I doubted Bella would notice at the moment. Besides, it was thick and would keep me warm.

I pulled on my boots that were near the door, though part of me wanted to run outside barefoot now that my parents weren't there to see. But if they suddenly came back I didn't want to get into trouble.

There was a tiny amount of snow falling from the sky, but the ground was too wet for it to stick. Not that it mattered- with everything else going on, making a snowman was probably not on the agenda.

Climbing up the boards to get into the treehouse was a little harder than usual- there was a layer of frost over the wood, making it slippery. But I managed to pull myself on to the front porch easily enough. I suddenly understood Esme's insistence on mittens. My fingers were freezing after that climb.

Rushing into the treehouse, I sighed at the warmth. Whoever's idea it had been to have heating in it was a genius. I waked over to the telescope and peered through it, moving it so I could see all over the yard. Koda had been right- my view from here wasn't that good, pine needles, treetrunks and bushes blocking the majority of what was beyond the yard.

A rustling sound made me jump, and I immediately felt silly. It was just the wind- I shouldn't let my unease at the situation make me so jumpy. Shaking my head at my own foolishness, I moved the telescope back and forth, making rhythmical rounds around the yard.

But then I heard the rustling sound again. And it wasn't the wind. It was inside the treehouse.

Feeling like the victim in a horror movie, I slowly turned around to look behind me. Everything was in place- nobody was sitting at the table, or kneeling next to the bookshelf. The door was still closed, with the little board that served as a lock pushed into place. For one horrifying second, I wondered if Renesmee had been wrong- what if Mike wasn't dead? What if he had found a way to make himself invisible to even me, and had kidnapped Ani and come back for me? What if he was in this very treehouse with me right at that moment, watching me? 

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