Chapter 17 - A Picture's Worth

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My dad really went all out with this engagement party, I swear he never does anything low key. It was being held at some country club and it had been decorated really nicely. I had my had in Reuben's because it was quite a struggle walking along the pebbled pathway in heels. I honestly don't know how Taî was doing it because she was walking speedily ahead of us. We walked through to the back where there were round tables scattered around in an orderly fashion. There were fairy lights basically everywhere strung around tress and stuff.

Taî had vanished around close friends and family members and when I saw her next she was hugging Kane. I shook my head inwardly because she's forever telling me that they're just friends when we both know that's bullshit.

I noticed Athena standing to the side talking to one of my cousins. Honestly I don't really get on with my dad's side of the family at all. I love them and everything, they're my blood but most of them are stuck up and judgemental. I'm really not looking forwards to hearing what they have to say about me being pregnant.

We found our table which was right next to my dad's and Vanessa's. Taî and Kane were already seated, Athena was supposed to be here too but I guess she thought it would be awkward as she was currently seeing with my cousins instead. As we made our way there I was stopped by people that I knew, and people that claimed they held me when I was a baby acting like I'm supposed to remember that shit. As soon as I sat down my dad made some speech thanking everyone for coming. He also apologised for the wait and made a point of looking at me when it really wasn't my fault but whatever. After eating everyone just socialised with each other, even Kane and Taî had gone off to God knows where to do God knows what.


"Taî I don't see what the big deal is, we basically act like we're together so what's the fucking problem?"

Kane wanted to talk to me so we went to the front of the country club where all the cars were parked because it was quieter there.

He had been stressing me about our relationship for weeks. It's true, we do act like we're officially together but I'm really not ready to be with him in that way just get.

I mean it's not like I want to be with someone else, it's the fact that last time we rushed into things and I don't want to make that same mistake twice.

"The problem is that I know how you are, as soon as things get too serious for you, you fuck everything up." I said and it came out harsher than I intended it too.

"I told you that I'm not gonna hurt you again. What part of that did you not understand? What happened to you giving me another chance Taî?" The hurt in his voice was evident even though he tried to hide it.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my bone straight hair, courtesy of Cleo's straighteners.
"I am, this is me giving you another chance, but it's your last chance and I don't want you to mess it up."

"I won't." He said and he sounded sincere enough but that's how I thought he sounded when he said he wouldn't cheat on me again.

"Yeah, you say that now," I mumbled quietly.

"I swear I've changed, I'm not like that anymore."

"Okay, that's cool and all, its just gonna take a while before I trust you fully. And if you really care about me like you claim you do then you'll be patient."

"Aight, I won't ask you no more, it's up to you to tell me when you're ready.

I smiled, "When I'm ready you'll know." I said pecking him lightly on the lips.


To be honest I was enjoying myself, all my relatives came up to me to say hi and introducd them to Reuben. They were all talking about how handsome he is and obviously he got all big headed. "See Cleo, you should appreciate you handsome boyfriend more."

"They're only being polite, they won't call you ugly to your face obviously."

I rolled my eyes and laughed at him but I could hardly concentrate because literally every two seconds Reuben's phone would vibrate indicating that he had a message. Every time he looked at his phone screen he would frown or look annoyed but he wasn't telling me who it was even though I could already tell.

His phone vibrated for about the 50th time and I couldn't take it anymore. I quickly grabbed the phone from the table, unlocked and it and saw a bunch of unanswered messages from Indya. She was being pathetic, talking about how their relationship used to be and I how I don't deserve him and all of that rubbish. It actually made me laugh how ridiculous this girl is. Of course I was finding it all hilarious until two more messages came through. They were pictures of Indya....wearing nothing.

Ladies and gentlemen, the thirst is very fucking real.

"Oh my Gosh, this girl is actually not well." I said trying to remain calm but she's really testing my patience. She's seriously on some Kim Kardashian shit with this whole sending pictures thing. See this is why I told him to change his number but did he listen to me, nooooo.

Reuben didn't even know what to say so he just shook his head and sat there as I dialled the hoe's number. She's got another thing coming if she thinks I'm going to "politely" as her to stop with the inappropriate picture sending. Reuben caught on to what I was doing and tried to stop me but I glared at him and he gave up.

The phone didn't even ring twice before Indya picked up the phone. "What did you and the girlfriend fight over this time? She said and the smirk was evident in the way she spoke.

"Well this one was really interesting because we were fighting over what type of stroller we should buy for our unborn child." I lied. We hadn't even started shopping yet because I'm only 3 weeks pregnant. Either way the stunned silence that I got from her was pretty satisfying. "But obviously that can't be possible because I'm pregnant with Jamal's child right?"

At this point Taî and Kane came back and Taî frowned about to ask what was going on but Reuben shushed her.


"You should really think twice before sending my boyfriend pictures of yourself dressed like...or should I say undressed, like that because honestly you won't like where they may end up." I said lying again. I'm not spiteful enough to actually leak her pictures even though it's tempting. I mean they even have pages for those types of pictures on Instagram..

"You wouldn't? You're not bad Cleo."

"Really? Try me hoe! Next time you wanna talk shit about me to my own boyfriend, you absolute moron, holla at me frist innit."

Then the slut had the audacity to shriek in my ear like some next animal and cut the phone. "Stupid bitch." I muttered as I handed the phone back to Reuben who was silently creasing in his chair. "I dunno why you're finding this so funny."

"Because it is, you're mad cute when you're angry." He replied.

I sat back on the white plastic chair and folded my arms waiting for him to shut up and be serious. "Babygirl, why you mad?" Reuben asked.

I didn't answer him. I just sat back and watched everything going on. "Cleo." Reuben said again and I could tell he was getting annoying because he doesn't like it when I ignore him.

"Nothing else happened between you and Indya?" I half-asked him. I told him I wouldn't bring it up again, but if something else did happen I would rather know now that I'm already angry. I'm trying to get over the whole thing and move on from that but I don't know, sometimes I feel like he's continuously hiding shit from me.

He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "Man, I already told you Cleo..."

Yeah, yeah, that's all that happened.

For some reason, the look on his face made it hard for me to believe him.

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