Chapter 10 - Family Taî's

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Tai in MM 

C L E O 

The first day of my extended holiday and I just wasn't even in the mood for anything. The conversation I had to Jamal really messed me up. The fact that he still apologised after all this time when other boys would've stropped trying. But I know that if I start talking to Jamal again at one point it would turn into me having to choose between him and Reuben and I really do not want that to happen. Then again, I could be overreacting and maybe Reuben would be okay with me and Jamal talking again. Yeah, maybe not.

I was one of the last people to leave school and when I got home I was surprised to see that my dad's car was parked in front of the house. I was even more surprised when I noticed he was cooking. He rarely cooks so the smell of food immediately made my mouth water.

"What's the occasion?"

He turned around. "Ah you're back princesa, how was your exam?"

"It was good," I sat on the kitchen counter. "Why are you cooking so much food?"

"Oh that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

I waited patiently for him to tell me what's going on. "Well?"

"Well, I've met someone, her names Vanessa and she's coming for dinner tonight with her daughter Taî so that you can meet them both. Taî's the same ages as you so I think you'll get along." He told me. I couldn't say that I was surprised.

"Cleo I know that no one could ever replace your mother but you don't expect me to be alone forever."

"So the reason you haven't been home is because you've been out with your new girlfriend and you're only choosing now to tell me." I said in disbelief. "You could've told me before."

"Okay so maybe I didn't tell you in the right way."

I scoffed. "Yeah no shit." I muttered under my breath, pushing my luck because I would never swear in front of my dad. However, our current circumstance changes everything because of the fact that he hid stuff from me. "Please Cleo, I'm begging you to make a good impression," I rolled my eyes. "And be on your best behaviour. No rudeness."

I saluted him sarcastically. "Yes sir!"

Even though I wasn't completely okay with him not telling me this I guess I should just give him the benefit of the doubt and try to be mature about this whole thing.

"You're the most important girl in my life okay Cleo, so I need your approval first. If you don't like her then that's it, although you have no reason not to." My dad said to me and I believed him, I know he doesn't have shit judgment.

Seeing as I could no longer sleep like I had originally planned I decided to get ready so that I could make a good first impression. I just changed into baggy jeans and a t-shirt and put my hair into a bun. I watched one episode of Heroes on Netflix and by the time I was done the doorbell rang indicating that our guests of honour were here.

"Cleo, this is Vanessa and her daughter Taî." My dad introduced. My dad introduced. Vanessa was pretty as was her daughter and she didn't look like the type to go after my dad just for money either

Vanessa pulled me into a hug which surprised the shit outta me. "Cleo, you're even more beautiful than your father described, I've heard so much about you."

I smiled. "I've heard nothing about you." My dad coughed and Taî snorted trying to suppress laughter. "Uhm I know my dad, always...full of surprises." I laughed awkwardly.

That was definitely not meant to come out. All Vanessa did was laugh.
My dad cleared his throat. "Cleo why don't you show Taî your room."

I looked at him. "Really dad? If you wanted us to leave you should've just said." I told him as I led Taî upstairs.
Her eyes widened at the sight of my room. "Your house is huge."

I shrugged. "It's too big for just the 2 of us, and my dad's hardly here anyway so I don't really like it. You can sit down you know cos I have a feeling they're gonna be "talking" for ages."

Taî sat on my bed. "You don't find it the least bit weird that our parents are" She asked me.

"Nah, I mean besides the fact that he only told me a few hours ago, I guess if he's happy I don't really mind." I answered truthfully.

"You know I thought you would be all bitchy towards me like I'm stealing your dad or some shit."

I laughed. "Dude it's not that deep, take him, 16 years is an extremely long time."
She laughed as well and we continued to talk about basically a bunch of random stuff when my phone rang.

Taî looked at the caller ID and raised an eyebrow. "Ooh who's Reuben with the blue heart emoji?"

I laughed shaking my head and took my phone from her. "Yes Reuben?"

"Isit Cleo, not even a Hi or nothing, I see how it is."

"Well you are interrupting precious bonding time between me and my future step-sister." I joked.

"Swear down, is she buff?"

"She's a lesbian sorry mate." I replied bluntly making Taî burst out laughing.

"I was talking bout your future step-mum but hey, lesbians are cool too."

I sighed. "Okay you are seriously strange, bye Reuben."

"Aight I'll see you tomorrow, don't miss me too much."

"Keep talking and I'll make sure you don't see tomorrow."

"Death threats too? You're getting ruder by the minute. It's cool though, I forgive you."

"Bye Reuben." I said then I hung up.

After a while we were called downstairs to eat and I basically ate everything because I was so hungry and Tyra only cooks this much food once in a while so I might as well enjoy it whilst it lasts.
I was expecting conversation to be awkward but it was actually pretty comfortable.

I found out that Vanessa studied Law but only because her parents wanted her to, she did one year and then she stopped and became a PR for this fashion designer so like my dad she's busy almost all of the time. I guess that's why they like each other so much.

"So what do you think?" My dad asked me once Vanessa and Taî had departed. I got Taî's number so that we could meet up in the holidays but we both guessed we would probably be seeing each other anyways.

I nodded. "Yeah yeah, she's nice."

My dad smirked. "Like I said."

"Just don't rush into anything, take things slowwww." I said dragging out the word. The last thing I need is to have a half brother or sister who is 17 years younger than me.

"Cleo, this is me taking things slow."

"Hmm, well take things slower." I told him. I kissed him on the cheek then retreated quickly to my room before he could call me back to wash the dishes.

There was no hope for me anyway because as soon as my head touched the pillow it was lights out.

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