Chapter 31 - 'New attitude, who dis?'

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I watched along with Màlika and Taî as Cleo and Harleigh blatantly flirted with each other as we sat on the bus. We had just finished our exams and we could finally relax and enjoy the summer holidays in peace. It felt like this school year had gone by so quickly yet a lot of shit had happened. This "thing" between Cleo and Harleigh had been going on for nearly a month now yet whenever someone brought it up they would insist that they're just friends when everyone can see that they're more than that. They're both so totally in denial it's frustrating.

"UGH, JUST GO OUT ALREADY!?!" Màlika shouted attracting unwanted attention from pretty much everyone on the bus including both Cleo and Harleigh.

"You're so loud and you're not even fully black." Kai piped up from nowhere, he had been unusually quiet I didn't even know he was on the bus.

Màlika cut her eyes at him. "Don't make me slap you dickhead."

I smirked. "How's your baby mum?" I asked referring to Trixie who is now 5 months pregnant with Kai' babies. Yep, she's having twins. I wasn't surprised to be honest, especially considering the way that Jamal was acting. Kai seemed slightly calm about the whole thing which was unexpected. He usually acts so immature but he's actually taking this seriously.

"Moaning about dumb shit, eating everything in my fucking house, being fat." He said making Taî slap him round the head.

"Don't call her fat you moron." He hadn't grown up fully but he's got 3 more months to do that I guess. Imma pray though. I think it's amazing that Kai's family took Trixie in after her dad kicked her out. I thought Trixie was just being paranoid when she said her dad would basically disown her. Yeah she fucked up but I don't understand how you could put out your 5 month pregnant daughter and not feel two ways about it. I guess not every parent is the same. Even Cleo being the good samaritan that she is, told Trixie that she could stay with her but Kai took responsibility for his actions.

"Yeah exactly, she's only fat because of you and your big head." Màlika said and I laughed at the look on Kai's face as he frowned and kissed his teeth. He can be so overdramatic sometimes.

"Oi Cleo let's go, it's our stop." Taî shouted to her because obviously she hadn't been paying attention to anything or anyone besides Harleigh. They hugged then he whispered something in her ear making her blush and smile before she finally followed us off the bus.

"Say. Nothing." Cleo said to us. Me and Màlika were gonna chill with her and Taî seeing as we had nothing better to do.

"Cleo and Harleigh sitting in a tree K-I-S-S..." Màlika trailed off once she saw Cleo's unamused facial expression. "I was singing and you said not to say anything."

"She does have a point there." I added as Cleo continued to screwface her.

"You lot suck." She said as we began to walk to their house. Cleo's been 17 longer than all of us so I still don't understand why she hasn't learned how to drive yet. I mean yeah yeah, she had a baby and that but still, buses are long.

"It's true though, you and Harleigh are mad cute, I dunno why you won't just go out already." Taî added.

Cleo rolled her eyes. "We're just friends I've already told you this. Why is it so impossible for a boy and girl to just be friends without people assuming some shit..."

"It is possible, me and Murphy are friends, Màlika and Kai are friends, you and Jeremiah are friends. Now, do you see me and Murphy acting the same way as you and Harleigh, hmmm, answer me that."

"Well technically all you and Murphy do is argue over stupid shit." Màlika put in.

"That is besides the point Màlika Jones." I retorted. "Just admit it, you like Harleigh, and I mean like like, not all this "just friends" bullshit you keep telling us."

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