Chapter 20 - Effect

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I stayed in bed for whole week just trying to claw the events of Reuben's party from my mind but that didn't work. It's not easy to forget that your boyfriend probably cheated on you for the second time and got another girl pregnant.

"Alright Cleo, let's go." Vanessa said barging into my room. People would just not leave me alone.

"Go where?" I mumbled pulling the duvet over my head. I didn't want to go anywhere. I wanted to stay in bed and sleep all day which is exactly what had been doing for the past week.

"To see your doctor." She said like it was no big deal. I had told her countless of times that I didn't need to go and see my doctor but this time she just wasn't listening.

"I already told you Vanessa, I'm just tired."

"Well I'm telling you that it's not normal for you to be this tired, you look exhausted and you haven't done anything. You won't even get out of bed unless it's to use the bathroom or eat and it's worrying me. Now we either do this they easy way and I take you to see you doctor, or I call and ambulance. It's up to you." She said and the determined look on her face told me that she wouldn't hesitate to call an ambulance if that's what she had to do.

I sighed and go out of bed. I hate hospitals. When I woke up in the hospital after getting hit by a car the first thing I wanted to do was leave. The amount of times I had to visit my mum in hospital was too many to count and each time she would be in a different state. Overall she just looked ill, I was young so I didn't understand why she was there. If hospitals were supposed to make her better why was it that each time I came to visit her she looked even worse than she did the last time. No one could ever explain that to me, all they could say was that she was getting better. But she wasn't.

I put jogging bottoms and a t-shirt. I looked like shit, my hair was sticking up in every direction, I looked washed out and I had bags under my eyes. I looked as if I hadn't slept for a week when in reality that's all I had been doing all week. Everything was better when I was asleep. When I was asleep I didn't have to think about Reuben and all the bullshit that came with him.

I didn't speak to Vanessa on the way to the hospital. She knew that I didn't want to go there but all in all I guess she was just looking out for me so I couldn't really be mad at her for that. I just didn't have anything to say to her. When we got there I sat down whilst she signed me in and then we waited for a bit before we were called to see my doctor. I went to lie down on the bed and after she had asked me how I was I zoned out completely whilst Vanessa explained all my symptoms to her.

"We're just going to take a blood test in order to diagnose you properly. The tiredness could just be due to the fact that she's young but the fact that she almost fainted tells me otherwise." I didn't say anything even though I hadn't almost fainted, according to everyone else I looked like I was going to faint when I felt perfectly fine. The doctor left then came back a few minutes later with my nurse who was going to take my blood tests. I can deal with injections and all but blood tests hurt way more. I gritted my teeth through the pain whilst the nuse told me to make my hand into a fist which only increased the pain I was feeling. I almost laughed at how I was acting, here I am talking about being in pain from a needle when in a little over 7 months I'm going to be giving birth. That puts shit into perspective. The nurse cleaned the area where the needle had gone in and then we waited 30 minutes for the results.

"The reason that you have been so tired recently is because you have an iron deficiency. It's actually common among pregnant women and it's nothing to really stress about especially as it's not very severe. I'm going to prescribe an iron supplement to you so make sure you take that daily okay." She said typing something on her computer and then waiting for my prescription to print out.

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