BOAW: 12

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the ending of this book is approaching really fast and it's hurting me. i love this book as well as you all!

also, literally all of my pre-written chapters are published so now i have to write and catch up, blah blah, it's a lot. but updates are still gonna be monday and friday!

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"but you need to make sure she's fed and hydrated every 2 hours. the weather differences of each kingdom is enough to give her hypothermia or hyperthermia." sebastian, a BISA farmer, told yanju.

he was giving her one of his horses so she could make a journey to NAWN. of course she was scared; but she felt like her presence was needed.

no one knew that yanju was planning to go. which added the thrill to the adventure.

"i'm pretty sure i can ride...i mean...the warriors' do it all the time." yanju grabbed onto the saddle to get on, struggling because of her lack of upper body strength, as well as her not-so-long legs.

sebastian had to help the princess onto the horse.

"you can't be with me all the time! i'll get down and do it myself!" the girl was getting frustrated with herself, she needed this horse to go to nawn.

meanwhile, billie, megan, and courtney were talking by a stream of water. the atmosphere reminded billie of the day her and yanju got into that heated argument.

as much as billie wanted to bring yanju with her, she knew she couldn't. shé would NEVER be okay with her going on a  excursion just for it to end in a battle of the warriors'.

"have you guys even spoke on the issue since?" megan questioned, sipping from a leather-wrapped flask.

" but we had a really intimate moment before i left. i miss her already." billie looked off into the distance, looking over at the two women who stared at her dumbfounded.

"why didn't you apologize?" courtney walked up to billie sitting on the boulder right next to her, just to make sure she was close enough for billie to comprehend.

before wiping the sweat off of her forehead, billie groaned and said, "for what? i had already explained to her my day was shitty. she should've understood."

"you know, yanju would take her last breaths this instant for you? she would give up her position as princess for you. when you love someone so much, it doesn't matter how they feel, you wanna make it better."

"what are you saying?" billie totally registered what courtney was telling her, but she needed a further explanation to what she was saying.

"i'm saying, you need to be more gullible when it comes to her. like we've said before, she likes you billie. romantically. it's evident. the way she flutters her eyelashes, gets all jittery when she sees you, the way she holds onto you, it's clear."

billie was pretty shocked to hear at she was hearing. it was like, billie was born an affectionate person. so the kisses she stole from yanju, the hugs, the 'i love you's were all platonic in her eyes.

you could say, she led her on and/or conveyed the wrong message.

but it wasn't platonic in yanju's mind. that's what billie is failing to realize. she's so used to girls' flocking her way based off of her looks and hierarchy. god forbid she looked at yanju in a romantic way, out of respect for shé and quenton.

she just protected yanju and made sure she was taken care of. mentally, physically, (and without her realizing) emotionally. billie couldn't have looked at that as romantic when they were both young. o'xio's definition of romantic is 'i bang you, we go to sleep, you leave, repeat.'

but something the warrior couldn't deny was the way her body tenses up when she's around yanju, the way her dominant aura intensifies when yanju is acting all mushy, and how she goes to yanju for peace.

"you're right. as soon as we get home i'll make sure we speak about it." billie stood up and approached lilium, remembering the time crunch they were on.

HOUR 9...

"anytime now; they're taking way too long. you think they've backed down?" lada looked out of the castle window to look at the clock tower.

"no. billie is never gonna back down from a challenge."

"i'm kinda regretting kidnapping these people. what if they ambush us?"

jinx's face scrunched up and quickly whipped around to snatch lada by her shirt collar, "and king asim and queen warda wonders why they always beat us! are you scared?! huh?! you scared of those bisa cunts?!"

anger surged through the brunette's body as she shook her colleague, giving the girl instant whiplash, making her stumble back and fall.

"no! i'm not! i j-just think we should've planned this out better!" she voiced, not daring to look the xio-native in the eyes.

"we didn't have enough time to sit back and look fucking stupid, lada!" the woman exclaimed.

"i'm gonna make sure those bisa bitches are dealt with. so grab your weapons and guard up. it's crunch time. you too avery!"

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this was extremely short hit it's almost 12am. vote and comment!

-- 𝒃𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒓 * 𝑩.𝑬.Where stories live. Discover now