BOAW: trivia

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author here! okay so let's play a little game. this is BALLAD OF A WARRIOR trivia. you CANNOT go back and check for the answers. if you do, you aren't valid fuck you. this is just to see how much you all have been paying attention throughout the book!


1. where is billie o'xio originally from?
2. what was billie wearing when she walked into the kitchen in the second chapter?
3. what did billie keep in her drawer strictly for yanju's hair care?
4. who was planned to do billie's tattoo?
5. how did billie get in bisa in the first place?



1. what wasn't yanju allowed to do with the other kids of bisa when field day wrapped around?
2. what did yanju tell zaara when they were in class?
3. what is yanju a vendor of?
4. what is yanju an activist of? and why does she advocate for that one thing?
5. how did billie's stone face make yanju feel?



1. what kingdom was saoirse o'xio originally from?
2. why did bolanlé feel it was necessary for her to have an affair with saoirse o'xio?
3. what did kwame do to the xio queen when he found out about her affair with his wife?
4. who was billie's mentor?
5. what kingdom was totally wiped out by the government? and why?


so hopefully, to all the people who's still confused, you can get some food for thought in the comments. tell me your predictions for the rest of the chapters! you all are so beautiful and amazing for supporting me. see you friday n shit!

-- 𝒃𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒂 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒓 * 𝑩.𝑬.Where stories live. Discover now