15.Sour Patch Kids-Jorbyn+Jachary

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Requested by: JikkiRosa
Ship: Jorbyn + jachary
Type: Fluff,Mpreg
Famous: yes
Submissives: corbyn and Zach

Jonah's POV
I had just come home from the studio and I was hungry for the sour patch kids I had just bought myself when I realized they were all gone. I immediately knew it was either Corbyn or Zach that ate them. Since they're both pregnant. Corbyn with me and Zach with Jack. Also,they both love sour patch kids.

"Who ate my candy?" I yelled in the household putting my keys on the counter.

"It's Zach." Corbyn answered sitting on the counter eating a bag of Cheetos.

"Are you sure?" I questioned placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Yep." He replied licking his fingers.

"It's not me" Zach defended himself.

"But Corbyn just said it was you. Plus,you love those candies too." I crossed my arms around my chest highly confused.

"Jonah I can tell you Zach did not eat them. We've been watching movies all day. I would of known and Zach hasn't been craving those gummies, since he's been pregnant. They actually make him nauseous." Jack explained wrapping an arm around his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry it's just I've been craving lately especially sour patch kids and I couldn't help myself. I'm sorryyy." He cried which made my heart break.

"It's fine love just be honest next time ok?" I said lifting him off the counter and wiping his tears away.

"Now let's go to target and buy some more and then we can cuddle the rest of the day how about that." I said as he smiled before nodding.

"But let's stop at Taco Bell first I'm very hungry." He said placing a hand on his belly.

"You just ate a whole bag of Cheetos princess." I chuckled

"Yes but I have to carry a whole human so." He defended "because of you Jonah" he added rolling his eyes at me.

I couldn't wait for this pregnancy to be over.

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