33.Left at the altar-Jachary/Zonah

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Request by: JikkiRosa
Type: sad,fluff at the end
Ship: Jachary with Zonah
Famous: yes

Zach's POV

Today was the most important day of my life. I was getting married to the love of my life, Jack Avery, and I was beyond excited. I am pregnant of 3 months with his baby and he doesn't know yet. I was planning on telling him on our honeymoon.

At the wedding

I have been waiting for 5 minutes for Jack to walk down the aisle but he was still nowhere to be seen. I was getting a little nervous because Jack is always on time but maybe he isn't done getting ready. 30 minutes later he was still not there and I started becoming hopeless and felt tears coming to my eyes. Did he really just leave me at the altar?

"Zachy come here." Jonah spoke taking me into his arms rubbing my back slowly. I cried even harder when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

"I'm sorry about leaving you at the altar but I found out you're pregnant and I can't be a dad right now I'm sorry." I read the text coming from Jack.

I cried even harder and pulled away from Jonah running out of the church. I felt him running after me, but I didn't even care anymore I was so upset and so embarrassed.

"Hey hey it's okay I'll help you with the baby and I'll be there for you. Let's go to my house and watch Netflix and cuddle just like you like it ok?" He said taking my hand and wrapping another arm around my frame bringing me towards his car.

In that moment I knew it was gonna be ok because Jonah was gonna help me.

I feel so bad for Zach in here:(. Also no hate to Jack he's such a great dad to Lavender it was just for this one shot. Talking about Lavender happy late birthday to her. I can't believe she's two I remember when her parents announced she  was born:)

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