Chapter 17 - Everyone Is So Blushy Today

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Everybody got up late on Boxing Day. The Gryffindor common room was much quieter than it had been lately, many yawns punctuating the lazy conversations.

"Can you believe Terry Boot and Draco Malfoy?"

"Damn, I would have never seen it coming..."

"I always thought they hated each other, because, you know..."

"Speaking of, is Daisy Potter okay? Her boyfriend and her ex..."

I sauntered across the common room to the middle, leaping up onto a table. Everyone quietened, turning to look at me.

"I'm fine." I announced to the room. "I guess I've known for a while. The chemistry between them when they were fighting over me... It was only a matter of time. And then they became friends... and it was obvious that at some point it turned into something more. I'm happy for them."

Everyone was watching me, listening intently. Fred and George were grinning in a non-mischievous way for once - they were clearly happy for our clan mate too.

"And it's not like I've been a saint either..." I said, before I realised what just came out of my mouth. I clamped my hands over my mouth and jumped down from the table, just as excited voices rose up from the common room.


"Who did you have an affair with, Daisy?"

"Was it just one person? Or MORE?"

"Tell uuuuuuuus!"

I sprinted for the portrait hole, giggling, as my house attempted to ambush me. Fred, George, and Lee stuck their hands out as they passed, and I high-fived them before diving out, slamming the Fat Lady behind me.

I meandered down to the Entrance Hall, hoping to find Terry or Draco to congratulate them on that beautiful display last night. But luck was in my favour - I spotted both of them about to enter the Great Hall together, their arms slung around each other's shoulders, giggling, their faces very close together. I grinned.

"Heya, boys!" I hopped down off the last few steps on the marble staircase, sauntering towards them. The pair turned to me, their arms slipping down off their shoulders and their hands joining. Their giggles trailed off, but they both looked so happy still. My heart melted. I kinda made this happen - didn't I? If I didn't exist, would those two even know each other?

Love is great.

"How's the relationship going?" I asked, my grin wider.

Terry glanced at Draco, his smile widening too. Draco looked back at him, his eyes shining. Terry turned back to me, his grin lopsided.

"It's going so great. I've honestly never felt like this before." Terry admitted, squeezing Draco's hand. The blond went a deep shade of pink.

"He makes me laugh. And feel so good -" Draco's quiet confession was cut off by Terry slapping his shoulder, suddenly blushing too.

"I should have tried boys sooner." Terry said, winking at me. "Same sex relationships are so underrated in bisexuality. I never felt like this with any of the girls I had flings with. Even you, Softpaw - I had a whole year's worth of relationship with you, and in a day Draco's shown me what it's like to be in lo-"

I was grinning, about to open my mouth to make a witty remark, when a loud voice called out from behind the couple -

"Oh look, it's the FAGS!"

Draco's smile immediately dropped - Terry's face turned bright red in rage. I stepped around them to see Floppy, having just exited the Great Hall, his face turned up in an evil smirk. I glared at him.

Daisy Potter and You-Know-Poo's Return (Book 4, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now