Chapter 14 - That's What I Thought

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"Hey, Ced!" I jogged up to Cedric on Monday morning, who was outside Charms with his friends.

"UHH! FRED!" One of Cedric's friends, Jordan, mock-moaned.

"UGH, DAISY!" Jake groaned.

"I'M COMING! I'M - uuhhhh..." Robert collapsed against the wall in a mock orgasm.

I flipped them off.

Cedric was snickering, and I flipped him off too, grinning.

I wasn't quite sure how the rumour of Fred and I performing oral sex on each other got round the school so quickly, but I suspected Fred might have let a little... or a lot... slip - or brag - to others.

"Cedric, for fuck sake, I came here to tell you something important, you dickbag."

Cedric rolled his eyes, grinning. "What, suck-off?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "The first task is dragons."

"What?" Cedric laughed.

"Dragons." I flaunted my knowledge in front of him and all his friends, placing a hand on my hip with a smug smirk on my face. "They've got four, one for each of us - well, each team - and we've got to get past them."

"Are you sure?" Cedric said, in a hushed voice. His friends all leaned in, intrigued.

"Dead sure." I said. "I've seen them."

"But how did you find out? We're not supposed to know..."

"Floppy bitch showed me." Cedric raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, I know. I thought it was weird too. But oh well, imma take full advantage of it."

Cedric was high-fiving me when I heard a familiar clunking noise behind me. I turned around, and saw Mad-Eye Moody emerging from a nearby classroom.

"Come with me, Miss Potter." He growled. "Diggory, off you go."

I happily followed Moody into his office, glad I was getting out of class and possibly into trouble because of cheating.

"Look, Daisy..." Moody said once the door was shut. His voice had lost its rough growl, and it sounded quite young - and familiar.

I blinked. "Why are you referring to me using my first name, Prof?"

"I'm Barty." Moody looked me in the eye. "Crouch Jr."

I blinked again. Then it dawned on me. "OHH. Jerk."

"Sure." Moody? Jerk? said, shrugging with a scowl on his face.

"Prove it."

"I am, currently." The guy said. His face was sort of melting off, and his skin was bubbling in a weird way. I stared as Moody's body melted away and was replaced with Jerk's.

"What. The fuck." I said.

Jerk rolled his eyes. "Polyjuice potion. The Dark Lord sent me here to bring you to him somehow. But I can't, I won't do it."

"Why? You work for him, don't you?" I sat down on a chair, suddenly overwhelmed.

"You don't deserve this. I like you. You're innocent. They want to use you for bad things. Many reasons." Jerk sighed. "Daisy, I have to take this potion again or else someone might see me - but please watch out. Felix Malfoy has told me that if I won't do it, he will."

I stumbled up from my chair. "I - I will."

Jerk shut the door behind me as he took a swig of his hipflask - that must be what's in it. Polyjuice potion.

Daisy Potter and You-Know-Poo's Return (Book 4, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now