Chapter 8 - Hints And Intermingling Tongues

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I woke up in a tangle of feathers and legs.

I sat up, dizzily looking around. Harry, Fred, George, Lee, Terry, Draco, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny were all asleep on the floor around me, and my legs had intertwined with Fred and Lee's while I slept. Terry and Draco had curled up together in their sleep too, and I bit my lip to suppress a giggle. I ship it!

I had explained to them all last night, up into the early hours of the morning, exactly what had happened while I was gone. I had taken Harry out to the privacy of the corridor and we discussed what it meant in terms of our relations. We weren't sure if we were actually blood related anymore - as I was an angel and had been sent to Earth instead of being conceived on Earth - but Harry insisted that it didn't matter either way, I was still as much his sister to him as I was before, no matter what. At that I then burst into tears and hugged him for a solid ten minutes, then went back inside the room and Terry pointed out that technically we are still siblings, as I had been planted in my mother's womb with Harry anyway.

I told them about Gabriel telling me I was bisexual, and to my unsurprise, they accepted it fully. My squad had always loved me no matter what. Except that strange week at the end of third year when Terry acted like some possessed guy.

None of them also seemed to give much of a shit that Voldemort was back, though. Except Hermione, of course. Fred, George, and Terry found it extremely amusing.

Then, at four in the morning, Dumbledore came to fetch me and took me to his office to discuss the past few days. We agreed that the news that Tom Riddle was back should be kept quiet for now, to avoid panic. He promised he would let me know more about my angel-ness at a later date, then hurriedly sent me off. I was left quite confused, and I had came back to my dorm to find everyone basically having a party.

But now everyone was passed out on my dorm floor, and I flapped my wings out over everyone loudly, grinning. Most of my friends sat up quickly, shrieking or scrambling up into fighter poses. Terry, Draco, and Lee were the only ones left on the floor, Lee woken but not bothered enough to move, and the other two still asleep, Draco's arm around Terry's waist, cuddling my best friend into him. Fred and George snickered, getting out their phones and taking pictures.

"It's so CUTE!" I exclaimed loudly. The two boys woke with a start, and immediately Draco noticed where his arm was.

"Agh! No! What?!" He scrambled up, yelling, and I nearly pissed myself with laughter.

"I mean, I know I'm hot Draco, but no need to attach yourself to me." Terry smirked lazily as he rolled over and stuck his face into the carpet, falling right back asleep.

The storm had blown itself out, though the ceiling in the Great Hall was still gloomy; heavy clouds of pewter grey swirled overhead as we all examined our new timetables at breakfast after Fred, George, Lee, and I discussed magical methods of ageing ourselves and bluffing our way into the Triwizard Tournament.

"Today's not bad... outside all morning." Ron said, who was running his finger down his timetable. "Herbology with the Hufflepuffs and Care of Magical Creatures... damn it, we're still with the Slytherins..."

"Double Divination this afternoon." Harry reached over and high-fived me: we all took the absolute piss in Divination, so it was a fun class to be in.

There was a sudden rustling noise above us, and a hundred owls came soaring through the open windows, carrying the morning mail. Harry and I looked up, but there was no sign of white along the mass of brown and grey. Had Sirius even gotten the letter...?

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