Chapter 11 - Champion Of The World

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"Is that VIKTOR FUCKING KRUM?!" I screamed. Everyone in the Great Hall turned to look at me and my squad, who had just entered.

We were late to the feast as always, and I grinned at everyone as I grabbed my seat at the Gryffindor table. Fred and George collapsed down beside me as Terry took a seat at his table, gaping at some Beauxbatons people who had arrived while we were all upstairs fucking around. Draco scurried to his seat at the Slytherin table, staying far away from the Durmstrang students.

Viktor Krum was gazing amusedly over at the twins and I as we stared at him with awe. I did a gang symbol at him, and saw a random Durmstrang student flinch out of the corner of my eye.

Hagrid sidled into the Hall through a door behind the staff table twenty minutes after we had arrived. He slid into his seat at the end and waved at Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I with a very heavily bandaged hand.

"Skrewts doing all right, Hagrid?" I called, grinning.

"Thrivin'!" Hagrid called back happily.

"Thrivin' off his fingers, I reckon." Fred nodded at Hagrid's hand, and Harry, Ron, George, and I snorted.

At that moment, a voice said, "Excuse me, are you wanting ze bouillabaisse?"

It was a girl from Beauxbatons. A long sheet of silvery blonde hair fell almost to her waist. She had large, deep blue eyes, and very white, even teeth.

Ron and I both went bright pink. We stared up at her, Ron opening his mouth to reply, but nothing came out except a faint gurgling noise.

"Yeah, have it." Harry said, pushing the dish towards the girl.

"You 'ave finished wiz it?"

"Yeah." Ron said breathlessly. "Yeah, it was excellent."

The girl picked up the dish and carried it carefully off to the Ravenclaw table, where Terry was raising his eyebrows at her, then turning to the twins and I. We raised our eyebrows back at him.

"Hot." We all mouthed simultaneously at each other.

"That's not a normal girl." Ron was telling Harry. "They don't make them like that at Hogwarts! Well... except for Daisy, obviously, but she's a literal angel, so what do you expect?"

"They make them okay at Hogwarts." Fred and I chorused, my gaze on Pansy Parkinson who was one of the many boys and a handful of girls gazing at the near-VEELA in awe, and Fred's gaze on... me.

I flushed bright pink again, and gestured for Terry and Draco to come over to the Gryffindor table. I sent a neon green jet of light into the enchanted ceiling with my wand as a distraction for the boys to be able to sneak over; the ceiling slowly turned green and started dripping gooey slime onto the students and teachers alike. Everyone was shrieking and laughing, and Terry and Draco sneaked over without a problem.

"Hello." Draco said questioningly. Terry wiggled his eyebrows at the twins and I, and I noticed Draco and Terry shifting closer to each other in their seats.

Are these two besties now or something?

"Let's make another One Hundred and One Ways to Fuck With the New DADA Professor list while Dumbledore blabs on about stuff we already know about the Triwizard Tournament." I proposed.

Dean and Seamus, hearing me, quickly slid closer to us on the bench. Harry and Ron leaned over conspiratorially. Colin, Louis, Katie, Lewis, and Kurt turned their heads round to help too.

I smirked at everyone and slid a piece of parchment onto the table along with a quill.

1. Tell him there's someone behind him at least twenty times per lesson

Daisy Potter and You-Know-Poo's Return (Book 4, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now