Chapter 5 - Meet Daisy Potter, Your Local Angel

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Sorry guys for the wait being so long but my pranking buddies and I did this huge scale prank last week and we had to work to cover up that it was us so we wouldn't get expelled 🙊😂

I'm making it up to yous though, bc there's a huge plot twist coming up and ... fellow Supernatural fans, you ready? ... SPN! Sam! Dean! Cas! Gabriel! 🙌🏻 Also, don't worry if you haven't seen or even heard (is that even possible?) of Supernatural you don't have to have seen it, I'll be explaining everything as we go along, k? 😏 You'll understand at the end of this chapter ...

AGAIN, you don't have to have seen SPN to understand you brats it's just so so so so relevant to the plot line and makes it more interesting and easier to write (and better bc of SPN hotties 😏)

"For the last damn time, I am not an angel!" I huffed, crossing my arms and glaring at Jerk.

He shrugged, raising an eyebrow at me. "That's what they're saying upstairs."

"WHO? All you've been saying this time is 'they', 'them', 'you an angel bruh?', and 'they're going on about an angel by the name of Daisy Potter'." I said, frustrated.

"Alright, I'll tell you everything, just don't tell anyone else, 'kay? If you do, I'll die, and I'm in deep enough shit already, coming down here to see you." Jerk sighed, collapsing on his ass next to me on the cold, hard ground.

Jerk had Apparated us to Malfoy Manor right after what had happened at the graveyard. The Death Eaters sent him and I down to this basement, when he'd reluctantly locked the door with a wand one of them had given him since he apparently didn't have one of his own, and disappeared back upstairs to have a meeting or something with Tom Riddle and his bloody sonority. Then he'd came back down to join me in here, apparently feeling extremely guilty of what he'd done, blabbering about shit he'd heard after the meeting had been dismissed.

"Alright, so that kid ... Felix or something -"

"Floppy." I interrupted him. "It's Floppy."

"Rude." He glared at me. "Okay, so Floppy and You-Know-Who were the only ones left in the room - I think - and they were going on about how Daisy Potter was, like, an angel or something, and they were talking 'bout this mission Floppy was on and the context in which they spoke about it in suggested that Floppy wasn't ... well ..." Jerk raised his head from his hands to stare worriedly into my eyes. "Human."

"No, he's not." I got up from the concrete and studied the ceiling, sweeping over the grey surface with my eyes. No trapdoors in sight. Damn.

"He's not? You knew?" Jerk's voice came incredulously from behind me.

"No." I turned slowly to face him, my face solemn. "He's a fucking asshole."

He burst out laughing. I grinned as he giggled, "You are such a drama queen!"

I dropped back down next to him, laughing a little to myself. Just as the sniggers had died down, I glanced sideways at him, and that set us off again. We literally spent ten minutes trying to calm each other down.

"OKAY, okay!" I took a deep breath, a grin still itching on my face, tears still dampening my face slightly. "SO. They were talking about me being an angel and Floppy on a mission and not being human. Is that it?"

"Yeah, basically."

"Did they say what the mission was about?" I said.

Jerk shook his head. "Nah. Just the usual - trying to break your mind so that they can steal your power and - grace? Or something? Not sure if I heard that right - and something about Floppy being sent to 'this dimension' - not even joking, that's what they said - to complete some other mission, but I'm not entirely sure what they were on about."

Daisy Potter and You-Know-Poo's Return (Book 4, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now