Chapter 1 - A Sleepy Draco Is A Draco I Can't Deal With

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So: as you guys have probably noticed, things have started heating up since Draisy happened - as in, it's not just kissing anymore. There'll be a lot of sexual references and a lot more, um, touching, and nobody under the age of 14/15 (14 is PUSHING it lol) should be reading 'cause you're gonna be scarred for life, mate! Btw, I'm writing this in my Gryffindor pyjamas at twenty to two in the afternoon in my bed. This is normal for me.

"DAMN SON!" Piers yelled as I crashed into him. We both tumbled to the ground, Harry dashing across the park to help us.

"Harry, watch -" I started as the swing swung back around and crashed into him, sending him to the ground next to us. "- out." I finished.

You're probably wondering what the fuck we were doing. Well, to answer your question, we were all messing around in the park, Harry, Dudley, Piers, Hannah, Megan, Sasha, and I. We were all having this competition to see who could swing the highest on the swings and stay on their swing, and of course, that didn't end well. Dudley was the first to go, which wasn't surprising at all, no offence to him. Then Megan, who wasn't the most agile of people. Then Sasha, who was giggling too hard to concentrate, then Hannah, who lost her balance. Then Harry accidentally fell off after he attempted to play-kick me. Then Piers lost his grip after swinging too high, and five seconds after he stood up, I flew off mine and into him.

"Okay, so Daisy won that." Dudley said, panting. Everyone nodded their agreement, including me.

"Let's play Truth or Dare!" I squealed, and everyone nodded, grinning. "Dudley, truth or dare?"

Dudley went pale. Everyone knew that my dares were a bad idea. "T-truth." He stuttered.

"Do you fancy Piers?"

Everyone burst into laughter, and Dudley grinned. "Aye." Piers leaned over and bro-hugged him. I took a picture of them on Snapchat and captioned it 'Bromance intensifies: Pudley' and added it to My Story.

"Megan." Dudley said. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Megan said, grinning.

"Do you think Harry's fit?"

"A wee bit." Megan admitted.

"Dudley." I shot him a playful warning glance. "He's got a girlfriend, you know."

Dudley's mouth dropped open. "Who?!" Hannah squealed, so loudly I thought my ears were going to drop off.

"Suzanne, this girl at St Marigold's." Harry said dreamily. "Though she's not just any old girl ... she's beautiful, she's amazingly kind and sweet ... I'd do anything for her, she's the best girl ever ... second to Daisy, of course."

"Aww, Harry's in love." I teased. Harry snapped out of his dreaminess and glared at me.

"Let's just hear you talk about Draco, then." He said. I immediately felt myself turn bright pink.

Just the thought of him made me feel tingles all over myself, made me smile, made my heart explode in happiness.

"Oh, is this that Draco person from two years ago that you were talking about with us?" Sasha said, grinning excitedly.

Daisy Potter and You-Know-Poo's Return (Book 4, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now