Chapter 20 - Snape is NOT One of my Suitors

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Terry, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I were sitting at the very back of the Charms class with a table to ourselves. We were supposed to be practising the opposite of the Summoning Charm today - the Banishing Charm. Owing to the potential for nasty accidents when objects kept flying across the room (a very real threat with our class, not gonna lie), Professor Flitwick had given each student a stack of cushions on which to practice, the theory being that these wouldn't hurt anyone if they went off target. It was a good theory, but it wasn't working very well. Neville's aim was so poor that he kept accidentally sending much heavier things flying across the room - Professor Flitwick, for instance. Terry and I also sent our fellow students flying across the room occasionally, mostly Seamus and Dean.

"They said that Floppy was a DEMON." I hissed, as Professor Flitwick went whizzing resignedly past us, landing on top of a large cabinet. "I tend to trust them - they are angels, after all."

This class was ideal cover for a private conversation, as everyone was having far too much fun to eavesdrop. I was telling the group what Gabriel and Castiel had told me last night, after informing Fred and George the moment they woke up, that is.

"Floppy does seem evil - like, more than your average Slytherin git." Ron whispered, his eyes alight with interest as he Banished a cushion with a sweep of his wand (it soared into the air and knocked Parvati's hat off). "Even more so than your average Malfoy."

"Yeah. The things he's done to me..." I said, waving my wand without paying much attention, so that my cushion did an odd sort of belly flop off the desk. "And Jerk did say that the people at Malfoy Manor when I was kidnapped were saying that Floppy wasn't human."

"So if Floppy's a demon..." Terry said, his eyes widening, his cushion spinning high into the air, ricocheting off the chandelier and dropping heavily onto Flitwick's desk. "Then he's worse than a normal Dark wizard, right? Like, he's pure evil, from the depths of Hell kind of evil -"

"Demons are evil and from Hell, yes." Hermione Banished a cushion and it flew across the room and landed in the box we were all supposed to be aiming at. "But are you sure your brothers aren't pulling your leg, Daisy?"

"I trust them. They wouldn't lie about something like this." I said, sending a cushion soaring into the window.

"Which means that Softpaw's in proper danger." Terry said, sending his cushion zooming neatly into the box.

"I guess we know now why he's trying so hard to get my powers." I said grimly, and my cushion, to my very great surprise, flew straight across the room, and landed neatly on top of Terry's.


The weeks rolled in, and Harry and I turned our attentions in earnest to the other most urgent problem currently facing us: how to survive underwater for an hour on the twenty-fourth of February.

"Of course, the ideal solution would be to Transfigure yourself into a submarine." Fred told me.

"But that can go badly wrong if you don't know what you're doing." George added hastily.

"Yeah, I don't fancy walking around with a periscope sticking out of my head." I said.

"Why not? Be wild entertaining, it would." George said.

I spluttered. "I'm the hottest girl in the school, and I'd like to remain that way, however amusing a periscope would be on my forehead - I could look like a wacky unicorn, I guess."

"You'd be the hottest girl in the school no matter what you have on your forehead." Fred muttered. My heart fluttered, and George smirked at us both.

"I s'pose I could always attack someone in front of Mad-Eye, he might do it for me..." I said to divert George from his twin's words, referring to the Transfiguration.

Daisy Potter and You-Know-Poo's Return (Book 4, Harry Potter ff)Where stories live. Discover now