Chapter 19 - He's A Demon

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Breakfast at Beauxbatons was a charming affair, what with the serenade and the french toast. I sat in between the Weasley twins, across from Terry and Harry, and a few seats away from Pansy, who was the only Slytherin girl apart from Shannon who applied to come on the trip. I watched Shannon pass Pansy the butter as we munched, the twins' arms slung around my shoulders.

"Have fun last night, Softpaw?" Terry asked from across the table. I eyed his mischievous grin.

Harry glanced between me and Terry. "What? What did you do last night, Daisy?"

I froze, watching Terry's grin get wider. He definitely knew what Fred and I were doing last night. Making out on that bench right outside the Dining Chamber. I shuddered as I remembered the feeling of Fred's hands brushing all over my body.

"Yes, I had a lot of fun last night, Hopper." I said coldly, my eyes fixated on his. Terry stared back, his eyes shining with glee. "Enchanting Capri-Suns to fall on Beauxbatons students when they climbed the staircases was very entertaining."

Harry turned to Ron, tuning us out, absolutely used to my daily pranks, and probably bored of hearing about them after ten years of witnessing them in school. Terry smirked at me.

I reached my hand underneath the table, brushing it against Fred's. I laced my fingers through his, and he tugged our hands together. I glanced up at him, about to smile at him, when I noticed the smirk. Huh?

"I mean, if you wanted both of us, you should've just said, Softpaw." George said from the other side of me, an identical smirk on his face. Wait... no, this was Fred. I was holding George's hand!

I jumped, letting go of George's hand as the twins snickered.

"If a threesome's what you wanted, I don't mind at all. Fred?" George quipped, leaning over me to quirk an eyebrow at his twin.

My face flushed. I... honestly wouldn't mind that. They're almost identical and both are absolutely my type. Both are nearly matching levels of hot, and their personalities are attractive as hell too. I wouldn't mind both of the twins pressed up against me, one's tongue in my mouth, the other's mouth on my neck... Godric, Daisy, what's gotten into you lately? Just because you're going through puberty doesn't mean you can let your hormones get loose...

I shook my head as the twins high-fived. I cleared my throat, smirking. "Yeah, okay. You don't mind, do you, Red?"

Fred blinked, looking taken aback. George's mouth fell open.

"I also wanna date you both too, yanno, just to see -"

"No." Fred cut me off with a slight growl. My eyes widened, a laugh bubbling up inside of me. "I don't want you to date my -"

"Who's my sister dating?" Harry piped up, frowning. The three of us all exchanged glances.

"Uh - I was saying I don't want her to date my - uh - celebrity idol, Kylie Ford." Fred said cautiously.

"Why not?" Harry cocked his head. "She's famous, rich, and female, so less likely to break Daisy's heart and more likely to treat her well."

The twins and I regarded my brother, shrugging.

"Fair enough." I said.

"And no chance of accidental pregnancies." Terry sniggered beside Harry.

"Ew, Hopper! Shut up!" I flung a toast crust at my ridiculous best friend, my cheeks burning. He ducked, shrieking as the crust hit him on the chest, and the Beauxbatons students around us turned and stared at him.

Speaking of the girl I hooked up with at the Yule Ball, the morning owls swooped in. A large, dazzlingly beautiful barn owl landed in front of me, and I pulled a heart-shaped box of luxury chocolates from its legs. I fed it a few of Snidget's treats, and it hooted quietly as I turned to the note attached to the box.

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