The Heart of the Jungle Pt. 2

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Proofreading? Never heard of it.

~Onto the story~

Grian had been the first to realize that Scar was missing. He had been flying over Scar's starter base when he noticed that the front door was still missing.

"That's odd," He muttered to no one in particular, flying down to inspect it more closely. "Usually Scar would've replaced it by now."

It had been over a week since G-the Jungle Bandit had stolen his neighbor's front door. Grian went inside and looked around. The giant snail was totally deserted, dust particles swirling around in the sunlight from the windows, old books on ancient runes and crystals strewn haphazardly across the floor. 

"Scar?" Grian called out. he was met only by silence. 

Suddenly, a soft noise caught his attention. He looked around for the source of it, and saw Jellie, lying on top of a table, looking longingly at the golden carrots in Grian's pocket. Grian gasped, Jellie looked like she hadn't been fed in days. He rifled through his pockets until he found some fish, and gave them to the poor cat, who hungrily ate them. 

Something was definitely wrong, there was no doubt about it. Scar would never have left Jellie without food. Grian gently picked up the cat and stroked her head as he examined the open books on the ground.

Curious, Grian picked up one of them. It was about the history of the Ancients who populated the world before the hermits had moved there. His eyes alighted on one paragraph, in particular.

The Ancients split into four distinct groups; those in the jungle, known as the Saltu, those in the desert, known as the Harenae, those in the ocean, known as the Guardians, and those in the End, known as the Endermen. Each race met its own tragic end at the hands of magic-

Grian froze, staring at the last word in fear. Scar was trying magic. Could that have anything to do with his mysterious disappearance? Of course, Grian was fairly certain that Scar hadn't died, after all, there would have been a message saying so. And even if he had, he would've just respawned. But Grian was still worried. He took a breath and kept reading. He read about how the Guardians tried to use magic to breathe underwater, but botched it and became the terrible fish creatures that guard the ocean monuments. He read about how the Endermen angered the dragon, who cursed them into the monsters they are now. But the third section had something helpful.

The Saltu met their untimely end at the hands of a powerful and dangerous crystal known as the Heart of the Jungle. The Heart was buried away deep underground, in hopes that it could never take any more innocent souls into its grasp. (More about the Heart on page 38)

The text probably went on about how the Harenae were wiped out, but Grian didn't read the rest of it. Instead, he pulled out his communicator and messaged Xisuma.

<Grian> Hey, X? Can you come to Scar's base? I think something's wrong.
<Xisumavoid> On my way

Grian dropped the device and flipped to page 38. 

The Heart of the Jungle, and dangerous, gray-green crystal with a mind of its own. Any who approach this crystal will feel a strong pull towards it and lose control of their body. The Heart seizes control of their movements, and once touched, it will never let them go. They will become nothing more than a puppet to do the Heart's bidding against their will. Once in the grasp of the Heart of the Jungle, they will never be free again.

Grian stopped and read the paragraph again, just to make sure he had seen it right. Maybe that Heart thing has something to do with Scar's disappearance, Grian thought. Before Grian could continue his search in the book, however, X showed up.

"What's going on, Grian? You said that something was wrong?" X asked, walking in.

"Yeah," Grian gestured around the room. X seemed to take notice of the mess and gasped.

"Oh, my days..."

"Also, the door is still missing from when I-somebody stole it days ago. And the worst part is that Jellie obviously hadn't been fed in a while." Grian looked worriedly down at the cat in his arms, who had fallen asleep. "Scar wouldn't have left her alone like this" X looked worried.

"I'll message him, see if he responds," X said, taking out his communicator.

"Ask in the group chat if anybody's seen him recently," Grian suggested. X nodded. Moments later, Grian's communicator buzzed.

<Xisumavoid> Has anyone seen Scar recently?
<Stressmonster101> No, I haven't
<Stressmonster101> Why, did something happen?
<Xisumavoid> Maybe, we're not sure yet.
<Keralis> The last time I saw him, he was going to get a mending book for his pickaxe. He said he was going mining.
<Xisumavoid> When?
<Keralis> About a week ago
<ZomieCleo> I saw him yesterday at the Head Games sign-up board. He seemed kind of out of it, though. I said hi but he didn't respond. He just flew off.
<Xisumavoid> Everybody, meet there. Grian and I will explain what's going on on the way.

Grian and X put their communicators away, and Grian set Jellie aside.

"Stay here kitty, we might be a while so have some food." He set his remaining fish on the ground for her before following X out the door. (A/N Don't worry guys, Jellie will be fine. I will NEVER kill off a pet) 

Once they arrived at the Head Games sign-up board, they waited for everybody to come before X explained what was going on. 

Once X was done explaining, the hermits all stared in silence, looking worried for their optimistic wizard friend.

"Do you have any idea what might've happened to him?" The question had come from Cub, who was shifting nervously from foot to foot, concerned about his former business partner. 

"No, we don-" X began, before Grian remembered what he had read.

"There was a book in Larry, it said something about a Heart of the Jungle? Which was a dangerous crystal that could control people, take them over. It killed an ancient race in the jungle, so they buried it underground..." Grian trailed off, his eyes widening in realization.

"Scar said he was going mining before he disappeared" Keralis whispered. everyone was silent for a moment before Doc spoke up.

"Ok, so Scar probably went mining, then that Heart of the Jungle thing took him over, which answers the question of what happened, but we still don't know where he is."

People started suggesting places he might be until someone from behind one of the point towers laughed ominously.

"I'm right here." The voice sounded strange and inhuman, as though many people were speaking at once at the same time, and it had an ominous, echoing sound to it. And then, to everyone's simultaneous relief and shock, Scar stepped into the light.

~The Endddd~

Idk if you can tell, but I'm really bad with endings. :/

Anyways, this was supposed to be just a standalone angsty thing with Scar getting possessed, but the concept had so much potential, I just couldn't leave it alone. I've got the entire storyline planned out, and I'm really excited! 

Also, happy (late) Easter!

Have a stellar day,

my little bananas


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