It's Dark Down Here, But At Least I Have You (RenxdocxBdubs)

135 6 7

Tws: fear, panic attack

Ship: Rendoubledoc

The cave was dark, and he was scared. He had never really liked the dark, but Ren and Doc were really excited about going caving, and Bdubs didn't want them to be upset, so he kept going.

A bat squeaked, and Bdubs jumped, earning worried glances from his two companions.

"You ok, dude?" Ren asked.

"Yeah, man, we can leave anytime if you want to," Doc added.

"N-no, I'm fine..." His voice squeaked a lot more than he would've liked, and he cringed at how scared he sounded.

"Dude, we can leave anytime if you don't want to be-" Ren started.

"No! No," This time, thankfully, he sounded more sure of himself. "I'm good. Let's keep going."

"Alright..." Doc didn't sound convinced, but really Bdubs didn't expect him to. They'd been friends for a long time, ever since mindcrack. Ren, on the other hand, Bdubs hadn't known for nearly as long, but Doc and Ren had been dating for a while, and Bdubs was always friendly with both of them, but only really became an official polycule last April. Still, they both seemed to know that something was up with Bdubs.

"So what did you say we were looking for again, the geo, geo-something?" Bdubs changed the subject quickly.

"Geode, Boo, it's called a geode." Doc rolled his eyes and continued forwards, with Bdubs right behind him and Ren taking up the rear.

"Right, right. I knew that."

"I doubt it."

"Oh you stay out of this, Ren"

They kept going, down and down and down, through the suffocating darkness. Bdubs felt like his throat was constricting, but he kept going.

He didn't want to show that he was scared.

Doc's voice broke him out of his spiral, and he was thankful.

"So, what do you guys think of the new update?"

"I think it's gonna be super cool!" Ren said enthusiastically. "I'm really excited to see the glow squids! And the glow lichen!"

"Speaking of glow lichen, I'm surprised we haven't seen any yet."

"Yeah, I read that there'd be down more, especially on this level."

Bdubs let the conversation wash over him as his boyfriends discussed glow lichen and the spawn level of bats and other weird topics. They were always there for him, from when he broke up with his jerk of an ex, to when he first came out to them, to when he came to their trailer in the middle of the night asking desperately if he could use a bed.

Bdubs almost slipped on something, effectively snapping him out of his thoughts, but managed to grab onto Doc's arm to steady himself before he fell.

"What was that?" He breathed shakily. Ren bent down to examine it, pointing his torch towards the mystery liquid.

"Just water!" Ren confirmed. "You alright, dude?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fin-" Bdubs started.

"No, you're not, are you?" Doc interjected. Bdubs gulped as Doc continued. "You've been on edge this whole time, don't think we haven't noticed. What's going on, Boo?" His voice softened as he said the last part, leaning down to be on eye level with Bdubs, gently putting his hand on the one that was still gripping his arm.

That was all it took for the dam to break.

"I-I" he tried to start. He took a deep breath and tried again. "I'm scared of the dark." He forced out. He squeezed his eyes shut, prepared to be made fun of. Instead, he felt a warm pair of arms wrapping around him from behind.

"Baby, it's fine," Ren said, his voice soothing. Bdubs melted into his embrace. "Do you wanna get out of here?"

"I think we should," Doc said.

"N-no, I d-don't want you two to miss this cool thing you've been so excited for." Bdubs tried (and failed) to stop his voice from shaking.

"Boo, I don't want you to have to be uncomfortable. We're leaving unless you want to stay." Doc's tone left no room for argument. Bdubs sighed.

"I do kind of want to see the geode, but I don't want to be here in the dark," Bdubs managed to swallow his pride long enough to say.

"How about we go home and cuddle? We can always come back to the cave later once it's all lit up and not scary anymore?" Ren suggested.

"That sounds great," Bdubs said.

"Alright, then," Doc said, gently picking Bdubs up bridal-style. "Let's get you home."

Have a stellar day,

All you beautiful people


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