Whoops... (Scarian)

142 6 2

Tws: Mentioned character death, mentions of drowning, I think that's all tell me if I missed any.

Romantic: Yes, but can be perceived as platonic if you want.

Genre: Hurt/comfort

Sorry it's a little short but I like it! Enjoy :)

Scar saw the boy every day. Every day, he came and looked around rather suspiciously to make sure no one was watching, and carefully plucked a flower or two out of Scar's garden. Every day, like clockwork.

The boy was pretty cute, dirty blond hair, red sweater, sparkling black eyes. 

Scar sat by the window, trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible. He wanted to catch the boy in the act this time. He wanted to know why he was stealing flowers from Scar's garden.

So when the boy came, Scar quickly crossed to the door and rushed outside.

"Hey!" He called out, waving to the boy. The boy's head snapped up and he scrambled back in alarm.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't-t m-mean to-" The boy was tripping over his own words in an attempt at an apology.

"No, no," Scar dismissed him quickly, "It's fine, really! I'm Scar. What's your name?"


~Grian's POV~

Grian stared in shock at the green-eyed boy in front of him. Scar. What an interesting name.

"So why do you keep taking flowers?" Grian looked down at his feet, trying to come up with an excuse.

"I, uh, have a boyfriend" Grian almost visibly winced at his stupid story.

"Really? I'd like to meet this boy that merits you taking my flowers every day" Scar suggested innocently. Grian didn't want to turn him down, that would be really rude. But on the other hand, he didn't actually have a boyfriend...

"Sure!" The word was out of his mouth before he really had a chance to think about it. Grian cursed himself.

"Well then, let's go!" Scar beckoned for Grian to lead the way. Grian gulped, and started down the trail that he went down every day, desperately trying to think up ways to get Scar to leave him before they reached their destination.

Scar started a conversation, something about his cat, but Grian wasn't paying much attention, only nodding along enough to keep Scar satisfied. Grian didn't have a boyfriend (as much as he would've liked one), and he didn't know how to break it to Scar that they were on their way to the cemetery where Grian's best friend was buried.

Grian nervously fiddled with the flower in his hands.

"Are you ok?" Scar asked, looking over at the other boy concerned.

"Fine! I'm fine!" Grian assured him quickly. Maybe a little too quickly, because Scar stopped and turned to look Grian in the eyes.

"Are you sure about that? We don't have to do this if you don't want to-"

"No," Grian cut him off, making a decision. "I... I have a confession..."

"Ok" Scar gave him a quizzical look.

"I... I don't have a boyfriend..." Grian rushed the words out before he could change his mind.

"Oh. Well then what are the flowers for?" 

"I..." Grian looked down at his feet. "I think it's better if I just show you... But it won't be what you're expecting..."

"Alright!" Scar smiled brightly. "Lead the way!" Grian sighed internally. This was gonna be a nightmare...

Grian kept walking down the path, Scar close behind. They approached a forest, and the path turned slowly from pavement to dirt, worn down from years of use.

What little light was let in through the thick canopy of trees was filtered green from the leaves as the two made their way down the dirt path. They approached a crossroads, and Grian took a deep breath before heading right.

Scar followed silently behind him, all thought of the previous conversation forgotten from the suspense. 

Grian rounded the last corner before they reached the cemetery, and heard Scar suck in a gasp behind him. 

"I'm so sorry..." The taller boy whispered, eyes wide in shock. Grian made no sign of acknowledgment as he headed towards Taurtis' grave, placing a red poppy down in the ever-increasing pile in front of the stone.

"He was my best friend," Grian stated quietly, his voice barely above a whisper as tears pricked the corner of his eyes. Something about this place called for quiet. "He drowned in a river when we were 12."

He heard Scar make his way towards him, and was startled when the taller boy placed a hand on his shoulder but quickly melted into the touch. Scar embraced him, and Grian began sobbing quietly into the other boy's chest.

They stayed like that for a while, sitting on the soft grass of the cemetery in each other's arms. Grian's sobs died down as the sun rose higher in the sky. He wiped his eyes and stood up, Scar following suit.

"Do you wanna come back to my place?" Scar suggested quietly. "I have hot chocolate"

"That would be great," Grian smiled at him as the two made their way out of the cemetery.

The End because I'm bad at endings and want to be done with this one now.

So yeah, I found this prompt and inspiration struck me as if lightning from Zeus himself. Hope you enjoyed :)

Have a stellar day,
All you beautiful people

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