Bad Idea

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Ayo! Blue here, I just wanted to know if you guys want me to make a part two of Heart of the Jungle, just tell me in the comments right over there -->

Tw: Fight scene. Death of major characters (Sort of).

Permadeath au

Don't worry, it all works out in the end. :)

~Onto the story~

"This is a really bad idea..." Impulse muttered.

"'Course it is!" Tango replied cheerily, grinning at his friend. "But when has that ever stopped us before?"

"I know," Impulse sighed, stuffing a few extra golden apples into his inventory and closing the chest he had been rifling through. "I just can't shake the feeling that something is gonna go wrong..."

"Ah, don't worry, it'll be fine!" Zed clapped the brunette on the back playfully, before hooking his arm through the other two's and pulling them eagerly out the door. He and Tango started talking about strategies for the fight they were foolishly getting themselves into, meanwhile Impulse stayed silent, worrying about everything that could go wrong. They were, after all, going to fight not one, but three withers. It was just a disaster waiting to happen.

Finally, they arrived at the place they had set up beforehand, a large underground cavern with plenty of nooks to hide in when the withers exploded just after the spawning. Impulse checked his inventory one last time. He had everything he would need, but there was still a nagging feeling of dread in the back of his mind. Tango and Zed went to work setting up the withers, placing all the heads except the ones in the middle of the body.

"Ready?" Tango was poised to place the final head on the leftmost wither.

"Let's do this!" Zed practically whispered, hovering over the one on the right.

"No, but I know you'll make me do it anyway." Impulse grumbled. He had gotten stuck with the middle wither.

"Right you are!" Tango grinned at the other two, before slamming the head onto the soul sand and darting away behind an especially large stalagmite.

Zed and Impulse quickly dropped their heads onto the withers and scrambled for a place to hide. Impulse squeezed his eyes shut from his position in a crevice in the wall, bracing himself for the explosion. He heard the unmistakable sound of a wither coming to life, soon followed by two more. he jumped out from the crevice and sprang into action, slashing and stabbing at the floating monster before it could get a hit in. 

Impulse quickly fell into a rhythm, slash jab dodge, slash jab dodge, avoiding the blasts from the wither and getting hits in wherever he could. The wither forced him to back up more and more until he was no longer in the cave they had set up. Impulse barely even noticed his surroundings, focusing only on the fight in front of him, when he realized that his back was pressed against the wall. He was cornered.

He quickly glanced at his communicator, which showed the health of his wither in the corner. He was so close. Turning his attention back to the wither, he ducked just in time to avoid an explosive head hurtling towards him. The wither, seemingly having realized that its prey couldn't escape it, had started attacking even more vigorously than before. Impulse barely had room to catch his breath between dodging attacks.

Biting into a golden apple, Impulse readied his sword. One more attack should do the trick, he thought to himself. 

He launched himself at the wither, savagely slicing it down the middle. With an anguished cry, the creature fell to the ground before disintegrating in a cloud of smoke. Breathing heavily, Impulse slid to the floor and leaned against the stone wall. Once he had caught his breath, he stood up, leaning on his sword, and grabbed the faintly glowing star that had once given life to the wither, and made his way back to the cavern, slowly walking around holes and debris.

The cavern was empty when Impulse got to it. He poked around, trying to see where Zed and Tango were.

"Guys? Zed? Tango?" Impulse called out. He was greeted only by silence. Starting to get worried, Impulse gave the cave another sweep with his eyes. He put his hands on his hips. "If this is a prank, it really isn't funny!"

Impulse made his way to where he had seen his friends last and looked in every hiding place he could find. After a few minutes, however, he came to realize that they really weren't there. Impulse sank to the ground and buried his head in his hands. This was all his fault, he knew that something was going to go wrong, he shouldn't have let them go through with this stupid plan. It was official, Team ZIT was no more.

~The end~

~Hehe, gotcha ;)~


Impulse snapped his head up and looked around. Somebody had called his name. But that wasn't possible, he was the only one there.

"Impulse? Where are you?"

"I'm in here?" He responded hesitantly. He thought that he recognized those voices... He stood up, only to be tackled into a hug.

"Impulse! Oh my god, you're alive! We thought you... you had..." The person trailed off and tightened his embrace. Impulse looked behind him and immediately recognized the two figures.

"Tango? Zed?" He whispered. Zed hugged him tighter, looking as though he had been crying.

"We killed our withers, but you were gone. We thought you were... dead." Tango explained, the last word coming out as barely more than a whisper. Impulse hugged them back, tearing up with relief.

"I got cornered in the tunnel and when I got back here you guys were gone" Impulse choked out. The three friends sat like that until Tango complained that Zed was starting to suffocate them, and the mood was lifted with the sounds of laughter.

"C'mon, let's get out of here." Tango offered Impulse his hand, and he took it, grinning at his two best friends, together forever.

~The REAL end~

Sorry, not sorry ;)

Have a stellar day,

my little bananas


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