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I am having trouble with the next part of Heart of the Jungle (curse you, writer's block), so have this little fluff chapter instead!

Tw: None

~Begin story~

Cleo huffed in frustration and slammed her armor stand book shut. She loved working with armor stands but it was really frustrating sometimes. She sat down on one of the many benches lining the walkway of her zoo. It was coming along beautifully, but she needed a break.

Cleo looked out to see that the sun was starting to set and frowned to herself. She reluctantly got up and headed for her bed. Another wasted day, she thought. She had been stuck on one armor stand for what seemed like ages. She just couldn't figure out how to do it. Cleo was about to climb into bed when she heard a voice yelling her name.

"Howdy, Cleo!" Joe came running up to her. Cleo sighed, but in secret, she was happy that he had shown up. Joe could almost always cheer her up.

"Hi, Joe!" She called back. He drew up to her, catching his breath.

"Cleo, I need you to come with me!" Joe said, grabbing her by the wrist and tugging her away.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold on," Cleo stopped Joe, who turned around to look at her. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," Was his only answer. Cleo smiled to herself and let him pull her along.

~le skip of le time~

"Joe, what's all this about?" Cleo asked yet again.

"We're almost there," He told her excitedly

"Almost where?" Cleo looked around nervously. It was nighttime by now, and even though zombies generally left her alone, there were many other creatures that would be more than happy to kill her.

"You'll see!"

Finally, they arrived at the top of a hill. Joe plopped down on the grass and patted the ground beside him. Cleo sat down next to him.

"So what did you want to show me?"

Joe laid back and looked up. Cleo followed his gaze and gasped. Thousands of stars, dotting the sky.

"This was the first time Bdubs hasn't been on since I found this place. It's perfect for stargazing." Joe looked at her and grinned.

"It is," Cleo whispered, leaning back and starting up at the night sky. She smiled at her friend, and they chatted idly, all thoughts of frustrating projects forgotten. Eventually, the two friends fell asleep, gazing in awe at the stars above them.

~The end~

Have a stellar day,

my little bananas


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