Part 60

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Manon's POV

It's been weeks since I left Adarlan. Weeks, and not a day goes past when I don't think of Dorian at least once. I meant to go back, I meant to apologize, I really did, but I think some small part of me thought he would come to me, and when he didn't, I just....

It's not like I haven't been busy. I have. I've been dismantling this rebellion, and securing borders with that red-haired queen who thinks she has a right to my land. I'll leave her be. For now. It's not like we have enough resources to start a war.

I'm surveying the witch city when Glennis comes to find me. I've been spending more and more time here as the building continues, and it's looking more alive every day. It's also silent here, a place to be alone with my thoughts and my witchlings. I've started talking to them when I'm alone, telling them private things I've never told anyone except their father. I still feel guilty for leaving, but there's no point in dwelling on the past. I'm sure he's fine. From my reports, his kingdom is thriving.

I hear Glennis coming up behind me, and don't bother to turn. "Manon."

"What." I can't keep the annoyance off my face.

"I'm worried about you," she says, and I turn in surprise. "You're coming in here more and more often, and you're closing up. You haven't encountered open protest in weeks. We need you to lead, not to mope around this city. Closing yourself off won't help anyone."

I stare at Glennis, about to snap something unpleasant at her, but I wince in pain. The twins have been moving more and more as I grow bigger, and it's causing me more discomfort than I'd like to admit. Abraxos turns to me worriedly, and I scratch his head affectionately before turning back to Glennis. She's staring defiantly at me, as if I didn't just consider ripper her tongue out. I can tell she won't leave here without me. "Fine. I'll accompany you."

I swing onto Abraxos's back, and he follows Glennis. She makes no comment on my unwillingness to walk beside her, but I know she notices. I cradle my stomach - by my estimations I'm about 25 weeks pregnant. It's been almost two months since I left Adarlan, and I -

No. I'm not going to think like that. Instead, I ask Glennis, "How are my people?" 

Glennis huffs. "Well, they've certainly listened to all your speeches, is all I'll say." She glances at me. "You've earnt a great deal of respect recently, Manon, but moping will only discourage it. Still, be careful."

I laugh harshly. "I am always careful, Glennis, and always will be. I am the Witch Queen."

There's a moment of silence after that. Eventually, Glennis says, "Petrah intercepted another note." I curse. Though it's true that no one has outright spoken against me, there are still threatening coded messages being sent out. We still don't know to whom, but I'll find that out any day now. "She's decoding it now."

I nod. "And the witch who possessed it?" 

"Dead." She says it like she resents it, but it's not like we're hanging the bodies up for all to see. And what are we supposed to do? Let them keep living?

I nod thoughtfully. "Who's looking for the recipient of these messages?"

"A few from Bronwen and Petrah's covens. We figured those who support you less loudly will have a better time figuring out who is betraying you."

I snap my eyes to hers. "Can they be trusted?" 

She nods curtly. "Anyone who trusts those two, follows you. It's just that people not so close to you -"

"Will be less conspicuous, I know," I say. "Go ahead to camp. I'll catch up with you shortly."

With a nudge, Abraxos is rising, looping in the air. The witchlings kick; they like being in the air. They're always more active up here, on top of the movement I've already encountered. It is amazing and painful at the same time. 

After a short flight in the dusk sky, clearing my head, I land on the outskirts of clam and slide inelegantly off my wyvern. It's hard to do anything elegantly when as big as I am.

Bronwen and Petrah are waiting for me, and I have to admit I'm glad to see them. We're all smiling slightly. When did that happen? I ask, "Anything?"

They both know what I'm talking about. "Nothing of note," Petrah says carefully. "The Ironteeth are completely with you, as, -" she glances at Bronwen -"I think, are the Crochans."

"Any talk of rebellion?" I ask.

"None," she confirms. 

"Good." I sigh, pausing for  moment to catch my breath as we walk through the camp. It feels as though I've been running. I'm walking again a moment later, Bronwen and Petrah behind me. "Make sure they know to speed up the construction again tomorrow."

"Of course, I'll send word out now," Bronwen says, turning away.

"No!" I say, alarmed, and she turns back around.

"Are you ok?" she asks.

"Yes. I'm fine," I say, "I just want you to tell them tomorrow." We arrive outside my tent, and I pause outside the entrance. "Find your covens and meet back here in half an hour. I have some confidential things I need to talk with you two about, and I need trustworthy people around us to ensure no one is eavesdropping."

Bronwen and Petrah exchange a glance, and it seems... positive. That's different to most of the glances they exchange about me. "Of course," they say, and I step into my tent as they depart.


HI peoples,

back to Manon chapters for a while now. ur gonna hate me in a few chapters for what these people are about to go through. 😈

anyway, hope you enjoy :)

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