The Wedding

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Manon's POV

I stand in front of the great double doors leading to Adarlan's main hall, and for once it's my own heart in my mouth. I would be lying if I said I wasn't terrified. 

I'm not shy, but the thought of those thousands of people just a step of way is making me slightly nervous. In the Witch Kingdom, if you marry it's a much quieter affair. Half of Adarlan alone seems to have turned up for our ceremony, as well as countless witches, the entire court of Terrasen and hundreds of other foreign dignitaries. Apparently this union is the most important event of the year.

I smooth down my trousers nervously, waiting for the cue to my entrance. I've forgone the white dress humans usually wear - in fact I threatened to walk down the aisle naked if anyone even tried to get me in one. Instead, I'm wearing black trousers and a black off the shoulder top, an impressively long red cloak fastened at my shoulder. It was made specifically for me by some of the Crochans. I love it. 

Asterin and Rhiannon, standing in front of me in the matching white dresses Dorian insisted they wore, turn around at me and smile. They each have a basket clasped in their tiny hands, filled with the same flowers growing over the Thirteen's death place in Orynth. It was Aelin's idea - she carefully preserved them and brought the flowers down all the way from Terrasen herself. It's one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for me.

I smile back at my witchlings. "Soon, my loves," I tell them, but I'm more talking to myself. My heart is beating so hard.

Piano music starts up in the hall beyond me. Bronwen and Petrah step forward to stand beside me, each squeezing my hand. This is it. The moment I've been waiting for for the last year and a half. I swear, if this isn't as good as all the humans claim it is, I'm going to hang them all for all the sleep loss this has caused me.

The doors swing open wide, beckoning them forward.

Hundreds of heads turn at once to look at me.  The twins, standing ahead of me with their baskets of flowers, shy away from all the attention so I pick them up, one in each of my arms. I didn't think they were going to walk all the way down the aisle anyway. They're too young.

Everyone is waiting for me.

"Come on," Bronwen says from behind me, giving me a smile.

I take a step forward.


Dorian's POV

Manon is the most beautiful being in the world. 

I knew that before, of course, but seeing her today, like this - I'm crying already.

My eyes are only for her as she glides towards me, one of my daughters in each of her arms. She's grinning at me, looking the happiest I've ever seen her. Her cloak fans out behind her as she walks towards me.  

This is the best moment of my life.

I glance at Aelin, playing the piano for us, wiping tears of happiness from my eyes. I can't believe this is finally happening. We've fought over this, we've lost sleep over this, but most of all we've been united over our want for this moment - and it's finally here.

I look back at my about-to-be-wife. Asterin is sprinkling the flowers in her face, trying to shove them into her mouth. I meet her eyes and laugh, and she does as well. This day is only made better for the twins being here. 

She's almost here now, approaching like the goddess she is. Bronwen and Petrah come up beside her, each taking a twin in their arms and sitting in the benches in the little room there is left for them. 

Manon takes the first step up the stairs alone, her golden eyes on me. She's practically glowing with happiness. 

I know I've already said it, but this is the best moment of my life.


Manon's POV

I join Dorian at the alter. He's practically sobbing with happiness, grinning at me as he takes my hand. "Stop crying," I whisper to him. "You'll ruin you're make up."

He laughs quietly. We turn to face the fae priest. She smiles at  us, and I meet Dorian's eyes as she goes through the formalities. Despite his tears, he looks criminally handsome, and he winks at me before facing back the front again. I grin.

"Do you, Dorian Havilliard, King of Adarlan, take Manon Blackbeak-Crochan, Queen of the Witches and the Witch Kingdom, Leader of the Thirteen, to be your wife?"

"Yes." He clears his throat. "Yes, yes I do."

"And through her, do you promise to guard and protect the Witch Kingdom to the best of your ability, to promise aid in times of need and to rule there as justly as you would in the Kingdom of Adarlan?"

"I do." 

The fae woman nods, then turns to me. "Do you, Manon Blackbeak-Crochan, Queen of the Witches and the Witch Kingdom, Leader of the Thirteen, take Dorian Havilliard, King of Adarlan, to be your husband?"

I grin at Dorian, feeling tears spring to my own eyes. I hastily wipe them away. "I do."

"And through him, do you promise to guard and protect the Kingdom of Adarlan to the best of your ability, to promise aid in times of need, and to rule as justly there as you would in the Witch Kingdom?"

"I do."

"Then I pronounce you husband and wife." My heart gives a burst of elation and Dorian and eye gaze deep into each other's eyes. "You may kiss your bride."

Dorian doesn't wait to be told twice. He sweeps me off my feet, kissing me deeply in front of everyone, but I don't care about the eyes. I'm married! I get to be with Dorian, the one man I love most in the entire world, forever. I smile onto his lips. "I love you so much," I whisper.

"I love you more," he whispers back. Our foreheads touch. 

"I don't think that's possible," I tell him matter-of-factly. He laughs and puts me gently back on my feet. 

We turn to face the audience, and the fae priest announces, "King Dorian and Queen Manon of the united Kingdom of Adarlan and the Witch Kingdom!"

Cheers rise from the audience and we're beaming at them. The twins wriggle out of Bronwen and Petrah's arms run up to us, and climb into our arms. 

This, right here, this is everything I need to be happy.


HI peoples,

ok this is the last part ever. i hope you enjoyed it

i know i said two weeks but when have i ever updated in time. like really i dont know why you thought i would actuially get it to you when i said i would 

sorry id this is terrible i have covid atm and i can't be bothered to reread and edit this. 

im probably gonna start a warnette fic soon thatll just be oneshots (i have exams this year i cannot be botheredx to think of a whole plot haha) so look out for that if youve read shatter me

anyway, i hope you enjoyed this and stay safe everyone, as i now know covid sucks and i don't want any of you guys to get ill so PLEASE PLEASE be careful.

bye :)

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