Part 62

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It takes me a while to fall asleep that night, and when I do, I slumber restlessly. When I wake, the morning has risen and I can't shake the feeling that I'm forgetting something. 

I struggle to rise, my pregnancy hindering even my most basic movements. I scowl, quickly dressing, my top already starting to get too small for me. I'll need to find another. 

I push out the front of my tent, exhausted from my restless night. I find Bronwen standing guard outside my tent. I frown. "Since when did I have a personal guard?" I ask as she falls into step behind me.

"Since you were the Queen of the Witches and 25 weeks pregnant," Bronwen retorts. She pauses. "And..."

"What?" I snap, sitting down at the first fire I come across. The witches, none of whom I know by name, look alarmed to have their queen with them. I was planning to join Glennis at her own hearth but I could barely get out of bed this morning, let alone walk halfway across camp. "You," I bark at one of the coven. "Go and find Glennis and bring her here."

"Yes, my Queen," she bows quickly before scurrying off. 

I turn back to Bronwen. "And what?"

"It's confidential," she says after a moment, glancing at the witches around us. They scowl. 

I roll my eyes, but say, "Fine. We can talk later. Where's Petrah?"

"She's already taken the first group of witches into the city to resume construction," Bronwen reports. I nod. 

"Good. I'll join her there later."

Bronwen looks aghast. "Absolutely not."

"Why not?" I narrow my eyes.

"With all due respect, Manon, you are pregnant with twins! You barely had the energy to get here. I'm not letting you into that city to break your back and die trying to help."

I scowl. Bronwen is correct, but still...

"Fine," I say. I'm beginning to sound like a child. I straighten my back. "But you can't stop me from helping around here."

Bronwen has a look on her face that says she very much can. "Actually -"

"My Queen," Glennis bows as she enters the clearing, preventing whatever argument Bronwen was about to lose. "You called for me?"

I sigh. "Sit, please."

"Can I help you?" Glennis asks, taking a slow seat. Bronwen stays standing behind me, still guarding though I don't know why.

I realise I don't actually know why I called Glennis over here. I suppose I'm just used to her company in the mornings. I sigh. "Talk," I  order, waving my hand in her general direction. 

She seems confused but does so, telling me all sorts of information I need to know but forgot to ask for. I am only half-listening, that annoying feeling like I've forgotten something still nagging at me. Witches come and go, all glancing at me but saying nothing. I wonder what they're thinking.

When Petrah finally arrives back at camp, I take her and Bronwen aside, talking again about their future roles. We have to cut the conversation for the next group to enter the city, to my annoyance. 

With Bronwen gone and Petrah off training (which, according to Bronwen, I can't do either), I try to find Aaliyah. Though I far from trust them, I want more advice. "Aaliyah?" I ask, after reaching the tent with directions from one of Bronwen's coven. 

They peer out of their tent, then bow when they see it's me. "My Queen," they say. "How may I help you?"

"You said you had more advice on.. this?" I ask, gesturing vaguely towards my stomach. 

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