Part 64

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I think my heart has died. 

It feels like my heart has fractured, each tiny piece digging further and deeper into my soul.

Dorian's body slumps to the floor, pristine tiles now turning red. I'm already next to him, craddling his head in my lap. Tears are streaming down my face as blood dribbles from his lips. His eyes, not yet clouded in death, seek mine. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," I sob, my voice a hoarse whisper, barely making noise. My body is shaking as I sob. "Stay alive, please, stay alive Dorian. I love you, my princeling, I love you, I'm so sorry."

"Manon..." His voice is a faint exhalation, red blood staining his clothes and mine. Why is he bleeding so much?

"Save your strength," I say, "You're gonna be fine. You're gonna live. You're gonna live."

There's a thud as Petrah drops down from the rafters, her nails through the body of the witch. But she's still alive. That traitor is going to die in agony.

Dorian's breath starts to rattle in his chest, going shallower. His eyelids droop. "No!" I'm screaming. "Don't close your eyes. Don't you dare close your eyes. I love you. Don't die, don't die."

I suddenly notice all the humans around us, and Yrene's hands reaching for her King, healing light already seeping towards him. "He's barely breathing. His heart has almost stopped." I hear her say it from a distance.

MY body is being torn apart from the inside. "You have to save him," I say, but my voice is faint even in my own ears, and he's being taken away from me, and I know without looking at his too-pale face that Yrene's powers are the only reason his heart is still beating. Suddenly Rowan is here, but it doesn't matter because I am breaking apart from the inside, and I can't lose Dorian now, I can't.

"Manon." Petrah's at my shoulder, hand on it. I am suddenly standing, deadlier than I have ever been, and turn to face the traitor witch before me. The whole human court is watching. Lords crowd around me, demanding my attention. I ignore them, my attention focused on the witch, until someone grabs my arm. My nails go through his hand.

"Do not touch me," I say, my voice fatal. The man quivers.

"Witch-queen," he says, his voice composed despite his trembling. I still haven't taken my nails out of his hand. "Why has one of your kind just tried to assassinate our King?" He notices Petrah and the other witch. "Who are they?"

"One is the traitor scumbag who tried to kill your king," I say. "The other is my second in command. Where are your dungeons?"

"We can -"

"No. I am taking her there myself, as you humans are obviously not competent enough to keep one witch out." I take my nails from his hand, and he whimpers. "Now take me there."

I'm led through the castle, soaked in human blood, my heart still caving inside me. There is ice in my veins. When we reach the dungoens, I deposit the witch in the darkest cell I see. I'll come back for her later. 

I stalk back up through the castle, Petrah at my heels acting guard. When we get back to the throne, Dorian's blood has already been cleared and there's a crowd of courtier's already there. 

"Witch-Queen." There's someone at my shoulder. I ignore him. "Witch-Queen."

Finally I turn. It's Chaol, also soaked in blood, staring t me with hatred in his eyes. "What?"

"Why  were witches attacking Rifthold? Why is my king bleeding out at the hands of one of your kind?"

"I don't know. Have you tried asking them?" I'm fighting to keep my temper under control, but he's not even trying.

"They SHOT OUR KING!" he yells at me.

"You think I ordered that?" I yell. "You think I wanted this? Why would I rush all the way over here, pregnant, if I had orchestrated this? Why would I be covered in his blood, have held him  as he died, have cried over his damned body, if I had WANTED THIS?"

Chaol stares at me as though he's never seen me before. I'm panting, crying, in front of the entire Court of Adarlan, but I don't care. "Is he going to live?" I ask more quietly, and my voice breaks. 

"I don't know," Chaol whispers. "I don't know."

With those words, my world falls apart.


HI peoples,

sorry for the late update, slightly shorter than last time

again don't abandon this i promise it'll get better next chapter which sshould probably be on time fingers crossed.

stay safe :)

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