Part 44

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Dorian's POV

I don't know what I expected for when I saw Manon again, but it was certainly not this.

Standing in the rain, she takes my by surprise for only a few seconds before I put my arms around her and hold her back. After a second, though, I pull back. "Manon, are you alright? Are you sick?"

"I'm fine," she says, though I don't believe her. "Dorian...," she says, and for the first time I've seen her, she looks nervous.

"What is it?"  I ask, concerned.

"I'm... sorry."

"Sorry? Why are you sorry?"

"I'm sorry for Adarlan. Being cross, and yelling at you. I'm sorry," she repeats.

I'm completely taken aback. "Don't apologize - that was my fault. I thought I'd never see you again. The way I -"

Someone, clears their throat, and I turn around to see the witches and the few guards that came with me.  When the witches came out of the sky, and told us to get on their wyverns/broomsticks, some of them were sure they'd come to eat us, and refused to go near them until I ordered them to. They're afraid of witches. I wonder how they'll feel when they find out I plan to marry one.

Manon steps past me, and I turn to face my men, but Manon speaks first. "Witches," she says. "Thank you for finding the King of Adarlan. Find somewhere for the humans to sleep, preferably with that messenger boy, and then return to your posts."

"Yes, my Queen," says the witch in charge. "And what about the King?"

"He stays with me," she says, and stalks into the tent, flicking her wet hair behind her. Helpless, I follow her inside, watching in shock as she strips her wet clothes off as she walks, and rings her hair out onto the floor. I stay by the entrance, unsure what to do.

She stalks over to the bed and, looking exhausted lies down on. I come over, sitting down on the side of the narrow cot. Although I want to let her sleep, I prepared a whole apology on the way over, and I need to say it before I forget it.

"Look, Manon," I begin, "I just wanted to -"

"Oh, shut up!" she says, and places my hand on her bare stomach.  Her rounded stomach. "Dorian," she whispers, golden eyes sparkling in a way I've never seen before, "I'm pregnant."

I can't help myself. I'm grinning like a child. I feel like jumping for joy, literally jumping. "I would've come quicker, but Yrene gave birth."

"The annoying human's wife?" she asks, though I know she knows who I'm talking about. "Good for them."

She turns away, pulling up the covers over her bare shoulder. I smile to myself, wondering why I thought she'd care. A moment later, she turns back around. "Either get in bed, or get out," she says. "You're sitting on my cover."

I stand up, undressing before I get in beside her. "There's not much room in here," I say.

She opens one golden eye, and glares at me. "Then sleep on the floor," she says. "I'm tired and pregnant; be quiet."

Smiling, I put my arms around her. She doesn't tell me to get off, surprisingly. I fall asleep with one hand holding hers, the other on her stomach and our child. 

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