Part 4

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We reach the city the next day, alighting on a field just in front of it. No, not a field.

The field.

The field before the Witch-City, that had yielded no flowers, no life for 500 years. The field that is now full of it, full of grass and insects and -

Flowers. It's full of the little purple flowers that I placed on the Thirteen's grave.

I slide of Abraxos, coming to stand by his head. His eyes are filled with the same sorrow I feel, as if he too, recognises the flowers and their significance to me. To us. He lost his mate to the Valg, his only family, and I lost mine.

I turn around and find all the witches eyes on me. I am their queen, and I have led them too their home 500 years after it fell. The Witch-City behind me is in crumbling ruins, but I know we can rebuild it I know we'll be able to turn it into a home worthy of us, the witches.

i realise they're expecting me to say something.
Witches," I start. "We have made it to our home at last. After 500 years of rivalry and bloodshed, we are back, and ready to start anew. Rebuilding efforts will start tomorrow, so we'll come out here tonight." I turn away to unpack the stuff out Abraxos' saddle, but the saddle itself on. Silently, I erect my tent, and everyone else departs, setting up their own. Everyone but Petrah, who remains watching me before finally coming over.

"Are you alright?" she asks.

"Fine," I reply brusquely. I don't need everyone looking after me. I climb back onto Abraxos, and Petrah watches me assessingly.

"Where are you going?" she eventually asks.

"I'm going into the city," I say. Petrah looks like she's about to object, or offer to come with me. "Alone," I add.

"You need rest too, Manon," Petrah says, still watching me.

"I don't need to be told what to do, Petrah," I say sharply, warning in my voice. I spur Abraxos into a walk.

Petrah shrugs behind me. "If you insist." Then, she turns away, disappearing into the ever growing camp.

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