Part 66

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Dorian's POV

I wake up to pain and light. I can feel every single inch of my body, every painful beat of my heart.

My heart. I was shot in the heart. And Manon was there. She was holding me. I should be dead. I should be -

I force my eyes open. I'm in my bed, sunlight trickling through the gauzy curtains. Even that small amount hurts my eyes. I shift my head slightly, searching the room.

Manon sits next to me, fast asleep with her hands over her belly. At my movement, she jerks awake, instantly finding my eyes. "Dorian," she says, sounding intensely relieved. "You're awake. Are you ok? Are you in pain?" She signals to the guards stationed by my open door. "Go and get Lady Yrene," she orders. To my surprise, they obey. 

"Manon -wait," I say, my voice weak. She turns back to me.

"Are you ok?" she asks, eyes concerned. She's been worried about me. There are bags under her eyes from where she hasn't slept enough.

"I don't - what happened?"

Anger darkens her face. "There's been some... dissent, among my people," she says, carefully choosing her words. "Remember when you were in my kingdom and that bitch tried to kill me so I shoved a knife through her throat?" I nod. I remember it vividly. "Well, she wasn't the only one who objects to my rule. I - they found out about our engagement and, I don't know, but they targeted you. They tried to kill you." She takes my hand. "Dorian, I am so, so sorry. I should have seen this coming and stopped it, or -"

"Manon, stop," I interrupt. She goes silent immediately. "Just - give me a second, ok?"

"Of course." There's something off about her voice, and her face has gone suddenly, carefully expressionless. I'm saved from wondering why as Yrene enters, practically throwing herself on me. Chaol is close behind her. 

"Dorian, you're awake!" she says pulling back. She looks close to tears. "I  - we were all -" She takes a breath, and her professional face slips back on. "Apologies, your Majesty," she says.

"Don't worry about it." I smile painfully.

"How are you feeling? What hurts?" she asks, rolling up her sleeves, magic hovering at her fingertips.

Manon and Chaol are hovering behind her, and Yrene fixes them with a glare. "You two. Go."

"But -"

"No negotiating. I'll call you back after the session is done." 

Reluctantly, they leave, Manon glancing back at me before she exits. There are a million emotions in her golden eyes.


When Yrene is finished, she calls the other two back in, who are eager to explain what happened. Chaol does the talking, Manon have fully closed herself off now. Since my near-fatal experience, Chaol and Manon have been ruling Adarlan, and have it, thankfully, completely under control. Aelin was here, apparently, but she and Rowan had to leave after they knew I was going to survive. It dawns on me more and more how worried everyone was.

"And the witches?" I ask when they're done. "The murderers?"

"Dead." It's the first word Manon has spoken in this whole interaction. Her fierce eyes fix on mine. "Aelin and I killed them ourselves." We hold eye contact a moment longer before I look away.

"And, er, when can I get back to ruling?"

Yrene looks aghast. "Not yet, that's for sure!" she says. "You won't be able to stand, let alone rule, and unless you want to take meetings in your bedroom -"

"Ok, ok, I get it," I say. "But when?"

"At least another two weeks, more likely a month, before you can get out of bed," Yrene says. "I suppose once you are clear for that it will be another week before you can hold one meeting a week." She meets my eyes, sees my impatience. "You were shot in the heart, Dorian," she says gently. "This recovery will take a long time, and it will take years for you to get back to your previous strength, if you ever do."

I nod, letting the words sink in. "And my magic?" I ask a bit tensely.

At this, Yrene smiles a little. "Your magic is probably the only reason you're alive right now. You'll be fine to use it, but, like everything else, use it slowly, and build up to the big stuff."

I nod, glad at this. I don't want to loose my magic. 

Yrene stands. "Right now, you need rest. Everyone out. Leave his highness to sleep." Reluctantly, Chaol and the other servants who've been hovering around me leave.

Manon stays where she is. "You too, Lady Manon," Yrene says.

"Just - give us a moment." 

Yrene pauses, then nods. 

There's a silence, then Manon turns to me. "You and I need to talk. Not now," she says, when I open my mouth to speak. "Not now. But at some point soon." 

I nod warily. I need time to figure out all my feelings towards her - and us.

She says nothing else, and shuts the door on her way out.


HI peoples,

how amazing am i ?

i just fnished writing another part for this and it was so sad it broke my heart to write it but im not saying anything apart from no one dies.

anywayyyy we're nearing the end of this

yes i said it the end is in sight

stay safe peoples :)

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