Part 1

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Manon's POV

'Live,' Asterin whispered. Even I didn't the blow coming, but it did. I sank to my knees, gasping for air as Asterin reached Narene and mounted. 'Bring our people home, Manon."

I knew then. i try to get up, but can't. 'No!' I gasp.

My body, my mind screams at me to get up, to stop them, but I can't. I gasp for breath, watching them form in the skies, better and deadlier than they ever have before. I watch, helpless, as they spear toward the witch tower.

I watch as they fall, one by one, screaming filling my head, heart breaking. I can't look away, not as they sacrifice themselves in front of my eyes.

Then Asterin, fierce and beautiful, reaches the Witch-Tower, and i can do nothing, nothing as she flies through them like an angel of death, killing everyone in her path. She reaches my grandmother, blades still flying.

Then they all erupt. Erupt, in white light. Every single one of my true friends, true family, yielding in white light.

Yielding, and dying.

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