Part 20

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I consider going back to the Witch-Kingdom, but I can't, not yet. Instead, I turn Abraxos towards Perranth.

It takes us two days to travel there. When we finally arrive, we circle slowly above the city, looking for a place to land, but there is non. The streets are too packed with houses and people, so instead, we land on the shore of the lake just outside. I slide off Abraxos' back, making towards the city.

However, as soon as my feet hit the ground, a wave of dizziness hits em, and I grab onto his leathery wing for support. After a moment, it passes, but I keep one hand on Abraxos' side as I walk into the city.

It's midday and busy. Nonetheless, people quieten and jump out of the way as we make our way through the packed streets of the poorer area of Perranth. We wonder through the city until we get to a large walled estate in the very centre of the city, a turret sticking up from it. Guards patrol the outskirts. Elide's home.

As we approach the mansion, a wave of nausea hits me, and I clam down on the urge to throw up. I haven't eaten or slept properly in days, preferring to travel fast than to see to my every need. I begin to regret that as, without warning, I feel awful.

"Excuse me," I rasp to one of the many guards. "I need to speak to Elide Lochan."

"I am afraid Lady Elide is busy today," The guard says austerely. If only he knew he was talking to the High-Queen of the Witches. The there's no why he would speak to me like that.

"Tell her it's Manon Blackbeak," I order him. I hold my stomach as it cramps painfully, and suddenly notice that it's slightly raised. My baby.

The guards frowns at me as I bend over my stomach. "Are you alright, miss?" he asks.

"I need to speak to Elide!"

The guard sighs. "One moment, please," he says then steps through the gates, closing them firmly behind him.

I stand there for a few minutes, stomach cramping crazily. Just as I'm about to fly Abraxos right over the damn wall and land on the grass behind it, the gates are flung open and Elide appears. She runs out, gasping as she sees me. I realise I'm still covered in those guard's blood.

"Manon!" she exclaims. "Are you alright?"

I open my mouth to reply just as dizziness hits me again and I keel over, passing out.

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