Part 72

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I'm sitting in the cot, trying to feed the twins for the first time. I'm alone but for the babies, and more than anything I wish Dorian were here.

The father of my children missed their birth. I know he'll be disappointed when I get back, but it's not like I could've done anything.

Aelin peers around the corner of the tent. "May I come in?"

I nod, and she sits on the chair placed haphazardly next to the cot. She, like everyone else, is staring at the witchlings. 

"Can I hold one?" she asks

I'm sure my face expresses exactly how I feel about that, but I gently pass her Asterin to hold. "Support her head," I snap. "Hold her like this," I say, demonstrating with Rhiannon. Still, I can't help being on edge.

"Gods," Aelin whispers. "She's so small."

"Yes, because she's a baby," I say. I wait two more seconds before demanding, "Now give her back. Carefully!" It's going to be strange not having the witchlings in my arms, I can already tell. 

"They're so beautiful," Aelin says.

"Yes, they are," I say, my voice softening. I look at Aelin, still watching them intently, and sigh internally. "You can hold Rhiannon?" I offer.

She reaches her arms out, and I pass her gently over. I manage to sit in a more upright position. 

I don't know why I say it - maybe because I'm so tired and I have no filter - but suddenly I'm saying, "If Dorian and I wed and united our kingdoms, do you think you and the other rulers would let it happen?" I don't say because of the war that just ended, but I don't need to.

"I think," Aelin says slowly, looking at me. "That, if the proper precautions were in place, and that it were abundantly clear that this is a union through marriage and not  a precursor to another war, there is no reason why Terrasen should feel the need to prevent such an occurrence. Nor the other countries, though of course I cannot speak for them." She pauses. "It would be a very advantageous marriage. You'd be uniting almost half of the continent."

"Yes, but in the control of two rulers, not one," I say thoughtfully. My mind is moving fast, especially since I just gave birth. "And, if by the age my daughters come to rule, the alliance truly isn't working, there are two heirs to take over."

"True," Aelin agrees. She's holding Rhiannon gently. "Though be careful not to leave too large a burden on such young shoulders." She looks at me, says slowly, "I thought you and Dorian... were no longer considering marriage."

"Not if I can help it," I whisper, quietly enough that Aelin doesn't hear. I'm saved from replying as Bronwen and Petrah enter.

"Hey, I thought only you were allowed to hold the witchlings," Bronwen protests immediately. 

Aelin smiles, gives me back Rhiannon, and says, "I'll be taking my leave, if I may."

As she exits, I say to my High Witches, "I... wanted to apologize."

They raise their eyebrows but say nothing. 

I sigh. "You were... correct in the assumption that I shouldn't have accompanied you. It was a potentially dangerous situation, that, if I'd listened to you, could have been avoided. I'm sorry."

They smile. "It's fine," Bronwen says.

"We're just glad everything went along safely," Petrah says.

I let out a breath, relieved, then look up at them. "If you find proper chairs I'll let you hold the witchlings." They're out of the door in a flash. 

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