Part 67

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Manon's POV

I leave Dorian's chambers, my mind in turmoil. I want to march back in there, demand what is going on between us, but I don't, if only for dignities sake. My head is a conflict of warning voices, and ...

For one of the first times in my life, I don't know what to do.

I want to stay in Adarlan, to be here for Dorian, but he might not want me to stay. I want to go back to the Witch-Kingdom, to make sure Bronwen and Petrah are ruling without resistance, but I need to help Chaol rule Adarlan as well. And most of all, I want to accompany my scouts to the Ferian Gap after one of my witches died  there when it is - or should be  - empty, and has been for months. But I can't, because I'm thirty weeks pregnant. 

I stop, leaning against the wall to catch my breath. It's becoming more and more difficult to move as I get bigger. It feels like I'm fatter every time I wake up. I hate it.

"My Lady," a guard comes up to me, bows. I'm not their Queen, so they don't address me as such. "My Lady, your scouts have returned."

"What?" They shouldn't be back for another three days, at least.

"Come," the guard says. I follow him, trying not to show how little I can move. I notice he slows down for me. If I didn't need it, I would've growled at him.

He leads me down to the palace gardens, where the trio of witches I sent are waiting. They all look uninjured. So why are they back?

"My Queen," they say in unison, bowing to me. "We have news."

"Well, obviously," I snap. "What of it?"

The witches look slightly taken aback, but say, "We couldn't get close to the Ferian Gap. There were multiple patrols, and they always seemed to spot up. Ironteeth and Crochans."

"How many?"

"Three covens patrolling, one on each side of the gap and one over the top," Minne says. She is one of the three who went. "Don't know how many inside, but I would say at least the same as that, if not more." 

My heart clenches. Such a large estimate... where did they all come from? "Are you sure they're all rebels?"

They nod grimly. I turn away. After all these months of saying it. If we don't get these witches under control, there is a threat of war. A real one.

A plan is beginning to form in my mind. "Fine. Firstly, someone needs to get into the gap. We can't work with loose approximates." I face the three witches. "One of you needs to fly solo into the Ferian Gap and find out how many witches are there. You have a week maximum. Do whatever it takes." I look to Minne, and she nods. I trust her, despite barely knowing her, and she's the most likely to survive. I look her in the eyes. "Any longer than a week, and I'll have to assume you're dead. I know it's not much time."

She nods. "I'll leave now."


I turn to the other two witches, Leah and Dai, from Bronwen and Petrah's coven respectively. I need fae if what I'm thinking is going to work. For that I need Terrasen, and for that  I need - 

"Go to Orynth. Tell the Queen that we need her and a few fae in Adarlan - to finish what she and I started in the dungeons." I've directed this to Leah. "She has a week to get here."

"Respectfully, my Queen," she says. I glare at her. "May I have a few hours rest before I leave?"

I consider. "You have two."

She nods and departs. I turn to Dai, figuring out what to say. She waits silently. "I need Bronwen and Petrah," I eventually conclude. "Either will work but preferably both. They should leave their seconds in charge."

She clears her throat. "Zalerie was Petrah's second."

"Then she can leave her third."

"Minne is her third." I glare at her. She clears her throat. "I'm sure she can find someone."

"Go. Unless you need rest as well?"

"No, my Queen." She bows again before flying off.


I spend the next few days flitting around the castle, finding maps and planning various methods of attack. But there are still so many variables, that it's hard to do more than hypothesize.

It only occurs to me about five days later that I should probably inform an Adarlanian that I invited the Queen of Terrasen to their country, given that I don't actually hold any power here. However, I am barred from Dorian's toom as he is sleeping, which is fair enough given that it's the middle of the night and he's injured.

Instead, I head to where I know roughly where the Tower's reside. When I get to the corridor, I hear a baby crying, which is lucky because otherwise I would I have had no idea which rooms were theirs.

I knock on the door. "Manon," Chaol raises his eyebrows as he answers the door. He's rocking his son in his arms. "What are you doing up at this time of night?"

"I could ask the same of you," I say. 

"I have a baby," he points out.

"And I'm pregnant. May I come in?"

Over the weeks that Dorian was recovering, I believe we have become tentative friends. I still find his wife slightly annoying though.

I sit down in his chambers. As the Hand to the King, he has quite a large complex of rooms.

"So, what is it?" Chaol asks. The baby hiccups in his arms. It's grown since I last saw it. "Manon."

"Oh - yes." I'm realising how tired I am. "I invited the Queen of Terrasen to Adarlan a few days ago."

"What?" he doesn't sound as surprised as I'd expected. "Why? Why haven't I heard of this sooner?"

"The witches came back from the Ferian Gap. They -"

"But they shouldn't've been back until tomorrow," he protests.

"Do not  interrupt me." I glare at him. "But that's what I though too. Apparently, they couldn't get close. There are more witches than I suspected, and we need to get rid of them. I called Aelin from Terrasen and Petrah and Bronwen from my kingdom. They should all arrive within the next two days." I pause. "I assumed you would want to know given that this isn't actually my kingdom."

Chaol nods and makes a noise in his throat halfway between a laugh and a groan. His son is now asleep in his arms. There is a brief lapse of silence.

He asks, "Have you told Dorian?"

"Not yet. I will tomorrow."  

He nods.

"Well, I ought to go," I say, suddenly sounding human. I curse myself. I am too tired for this. "Have a good night." What am I saying?

Chaol gives me a strange look as I leave.


HI peoples

i wasn't gonna update this til tomorrow but i wrote it all up so i may as well update it know

the next chapter is pain

stay safe :)

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